Spire of Torment. Chapter 31: A Captured Captive

By: :Lucien 

Brayton huffed as he carried his wooden cart full of wine and salt dried meats up the dark halls of the spire. His back hurt and the leather support straps were starting to dig into his soft human flesh. Each step hurt more than the last and was a constant reminder of his new place in life. One week ago, Brayton had been on patrol during a frosty night along the Antler Timberlands. The Kazdruk had decided to advance forward through the woodlands afterall. The brilliant tacticians of the coalition had not foreseen such an early and eager attack plan lead by the Kazdruk. Along the timberlands, the skirmishes had been dreadful, leading up to what now appeared to be a stalemate. Whoever was leading the Kazdruk advancement used outlandish and ferocious tactics. They attacked when least expected. When their forces appeared spread thin, they moved onward like berserkers. When attack was imminent, they held back with agonising patience and composure, draining the resources of the human and elvish forces. It was a controlled chaos, a tactic that cost the coalition many lives.

That night, the demons broke through without warning. The memories echoed throughout Brayton’s mind as he walked up the spiral staircase, the icy screams of his lance mates being butchered now slowly fading. Like the few others fortunate enough to survive, Brayton was imprisoned and quickly pushed into work within parts of the Kazdruk occupation zones. Brayton did what he was told and kept his head down. Any who disobeyed or as much as looked at a Kazdruk wrong, was tortured, killed or simply disappeared. His obedience paid off as he quickly found himself now working within the spire.

Brayton was even more cautious now within these walls. He was no longer in a small outpost, village or staging area, he was at the heart of the Kazdruk occupation. The spire was harsh, cold and mysterious. He shuddered every time a shriek screamed out, bouncing endlessly off the dim stone walls of this hellish palace. He had the same duties everyday, transport food and drink to the higher levels of the spire. His master was a short ashy Kazdruk cook named Raltok. The beastly male had him load a heavy wooden crate and deliver the goods to points throughout the structure. Guards prevented him from ever traveling off route or exploring. There were many doors that lead to unknown parts of the spire he was dying to explore, he even witnessed a portal once while on his daily route, which only filled Brayton’s head with endless wonder.

Brayton finally reached the top and moved onward through the next hall. He moved with extra care in two parts of the spire: the grunt’s barracks and the area he was in now. He found the highest ranking Kazdruk to be somewhat fair. As long as you did your job, showed your proper respects and followed orders, you could be in and out without incident. On the other hand, the lower levels filled with the grunts, guardsmen and even those helots could be very bad at times. The absolute worst for Brayton though, was the superior personal quarters which he currently found himself in. A purgatory like area, neither the top or bottom of the spire. The talon leaders and trainers lived in this upper caste area. Here they all craved more power, never missing a chance to flex their egos or needlessly prove themselves. If you walked the wrong gate, looked the wrong way, answered incorrectly or just stood in the wrong place at the wrong time, you would quickly find yourself in a world of hurt.

Brayton took a deep breath and hoisted the crate up so he was no longer slouching. Composing himself, he took a step forward into the purplish candle light. His first stop was to a talon leader named Ordvicc. Ordvicc was a fresh warrior who had just recently been promoted to talon leader. This invasion was Ordvicc’s first true conflict. Ordvicc was an interesting case when it came to Kazdruk society. Ordvicc originally started his life as a worker. As he aged, he found no glory among the working caste, so he savagely fought his way into the warrior caste. Brayton had to be cautious, Ordvicc was no Kazdruk purebreed. In fact, he was small by Kazdruk standards. He was roughly the same height as Brayton, who was the average height of any human male. Because of this, Brayton kept his distance and always tried to appear shorter.

Brayton cleared his throat and knocked on the door lightly. Too loud and he would possibly upset Ordvicc, too soft and he wouldn’t hear. Brayton was surprised when he was met by a lush, female snow-pale elf. Not what Brayton was expecting.

“Uh, good evening,” Brayton spoke softly.      

Ordvicc’s elf moved swiftly towards the human, her soft bosoms jiggled with each step and her hips moved with a mesmerizing sway. Brayton swallowed hard trying to ignore her inciting body. He looked past the angelic elf to see Ordvicc who appeared preoccupied with a second elf and ignoring him altogether. Brayton outstretched the contents he was tasked with delivering to the lovely elf standing before him.

“My lady, i’m here to deliver this to Ordvicc.”

The elf wrapped her arm around Brayton’s neck while she took the drinks from him.

“Mmm, thank you. I shall bring these to my master,” the elf spoke. “Care to stay for a bit, i’m here to please,” the elf continued while running her tongue up the side of Brayton’s neck.

“I…uh, I must be on my way,” Brayton spoke, knowing any interaction with Ordvicc’s slave would certainly upset him.

Quickly backing up, he made it out the door. As he left, he exhaled lightly in relief knowing he dodged a run in with Ordvicc.

“Phew, that could’ve been bad.

He then turned the corner. Brayton froze in place as Wulfshn was now leaving her chamber and entering the dark hall in his direction. The thought of dealing with Ordvicc suddenly seemed pleasant in comparison. For a moment, he thought of going back and hiding in Ordvicc’s room. The tall and powerful amazonian gazed at him, quickly locking eye contact. Trying not to panic, Brayton quickly looked down, knowing nothing good would come of locking eyes with a Kazdruk, especially with a purebred of the warrior caste. Without looking up, Brayton could sense her powerful build coming closer. He could feel it in the stone floor beneath his feet with every step she took. Trying to remember the formalities and etiquette that kept him alive this long, Brayton quickly knelled before the Kazdruk purebred. Wulfshn swayed her wide hips and purposely knocked her waist into Brayton. Her muscular thigh knocked him over causing him to fall backward.

“You should know better than to get in my way human!” Wulfshn spat, now looking down at him and his assortment of spilled wine bottles. The Kazdruk eyed him over for a moment. Brayton thought he saw her crack a sly smile. It was a look of hunger that didn’t sit well with him.

“My apologies mistress, it will not happen again.”

Wulfshn looked down at him once more, examining his body.

“You’re new around here aren’t you? I’ve seen you sulking around on your daily runs. What is your name slave?”

Brayton swallowed hard while searching for the strength to answer.

“Br-Brayton,” He replied. His voice cracking ever so slightly. He couldn’t help but notice the Kazdruk’s two large battle axes dangling off her belt loops. This was it he thought to himself. He would not get out of this gaffe alive.

“Brayton you say? Hmm, slightly adorable I suppose—for a human. Gather your supplies there and get on your feet.”

“Yes, mistress.”

Brayton awkwardly moved around on his hands and knees. The tall Kazdruk woman enjoyed the view as the human shuffled around gathering the bottles of wine and packages of salt dried meats. Luckily, none had broken and he was able to pick them up. Slowly, he stood. Awkwardly, the human looked upward at the impressive female warrior. Wulfshn towered over him, his flustered face was under the level of her breasts, granting Brayon quite the eye-full of under-cleavage.

Wulfshn took a step closer to Brayton. Softly, she brushed her fit body into the human while looking down at him. Brayton’s body turned to ice, he didn’t dare move or speak. A cold shiver rolled down his back, for he had never come this close to a Kazdruk before. This one was even larger face to face. Brayton quickly found himself backed into the wall by her body and toned muscle. The Kazdruk’s scent quickly overtook Brayton. At first, It was a pleasant earthy musk that was mixed with a familiar wintery outdoor fire. The closer she got, Brayton noticed that her aroma was laced with an appealing sweet, yet spicy smell. The smell soon became irresistible as Brayton felt his heart began to race. His mind jumped in confusion, he had spent so long trying to survive that he never took the time to admire the female form of the enemy. She was built like a battle horse, but still retained feminine curves. Like all of them, this Kazdruk soldier was dangerous, cold blooded and savage. He knew that she would not hesitate to swiftly kill him for no reason. He was a prisoner and slave, a mere resource that could easily be replaced. Still, Brayton couldn’t help but gaze across her tan skin, each sculpted muscle a reminder that she was bred to kill and control on the battlefield.

Wulfshn smiled and began to run her finger down his bare chest. Without warning, she pinned him to the wall with her other hand and held him in place with her palm. The large amazon then hooked her nail along his loin cloth and tugged forward slightly. Bending over, she looked down his loin cloth with a grin. Brayton’s eyes widened as he observed the Kazdruk lick her bottom lip before biting it ever so softly. Starting to be crushed, Brayton felt his body being pushed harder into the cold wall now. He found it harder to breath as the robust demoness easily established her dominance over him.

With a snap, she let his loin cloth whip back into place. Running her hand under his chin, Wufshn pulled his head upward forcing eye contact with him. Brayton shivered as her lusty, mint colored serpentine eyes peered into his own. Her sultry gaze mesmerized Brayton, he found her eyes to be oddly attractive for a such a blood thirsty killer who had most likely killed many of his own people, family and friends. As he became lost in her eyes, she moved her free hand down and groped his penis through his loin cloth. Brayton gasped as her large hand completely enveloped his cock.

This is not how he thought things would pan out. He had heard of the enemy taking both women and men as sex slaves. He wasn’t sure if this is what was about to happen or if he was about to be castrated as punishment for his recklessness. Regardless, he couldn’t move as the large Kazdruk continued to hold him in place while stroking his manhood. Trying his best to stay stoic, Brayton felt his cock begin to harden as his own body began to betray himself. Wulfshn smiled with a hungry grin.

“Oh, what is this under here?”

Brayton did not know how to respond, surely she knew what his manhood was.


“Shhh,” Wulfshn responded, as her entire hand now wrapped around his hard member. Snugly his manhood fit, his length falling short of reaching the other side of her palm. With a small tug, Wulfshn pulled him forward, her immense strength could severely injure him easily if she wished. At the mercy of the amazon’s hand, Brayton did not resist and followed her every move.

” I could use a new toy such as yourself. You’re nice and submissive—yet you seem strong enough to last a night or two.” Wulfshn spoke softly while she pulled Brayton’s face into her cleavage. Brayton’s nose was filled with her scent as his face became squashed between her chest.  

Before Brayton could respond, a group of guards came down the hall, one stopped at Wulfshn’s side and saluted.

“You guards are not needed, move along,” Wulfshn quickly barked, holding the human’s face now even deeper in her bosoms, suffocating the small human.

The guard looked down for a moment perplexed.

“With all due respects Wulfshn, we were sent to find this slave here, we have been informed that he is late on deliveries.”

“Is this so? And who informed you of this?”

“Yes Wulfshn,Talon Leader Luzella had reported the complaint, she is furious that her drinks have not yet arrived.”

Wulfshn scoffed rather unsurprised and looked back down at the slave, letting his face free as he quickly gasped for air.

“Well, I shall not keep her waiting then, continue your route then slave.”

“Yes, of course. My apologies,” Brayton spoke while catching his breath and bowing to both Wulfshn and the guard.

Brayton picked up his wood box and turned. Watching on with a playful grin, Wulfshn squeezed his ass as he started to move away. Brayton froze and turned around slowly to see if Wulfshn still required service. Wulfshn smiled back before snapping her teeth at him in an aggressive manner. The snap made Brayton jump reminding him of a vicious animal. Wulfshn giggled at how uneasy she made the small human feel and that was how she liked things. She finally turned and walked away with a sway in her hips.

Brayton turned back, slowly relieved that he somehow survived that encounter. Moving onward, the human walked briskly towards Luzella’s room. Brayton couldn’t stop thinking about Wulfshn’s large hand dominating his cock and the way she pulled him into her strong body. The way she played with his member through his cloth continued to dance inside his head. The sensation was quickly culled as he reached Luzella’s chambers. The large black door stood as an imposing entryway to torture. This particular Kazdruk was difficult even on a good day. She lived to make slave life miserable and even other Kazdruk’s life hell for that matter. Brayton had seen her effortlessly incapacitate fearless warriors on more than one occasion. According to the guard, she was already angry that this delivery was late and now Brayton was about to walk into a tempest of fury. Brayton had quickly learned that this Luzella had a rather unquenchable thirst for lust but also beverages that would easily knock a full-grown human off their feet. Brayton was carrying some of of those with him, and if he didn’t hurry, he would soon find himself in trouble.

Taking another deep breath, Brayton raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door swung open almost instantly. Standing before Brayton was Luzella who now looked down with a mix of annoyance and malevolence. Brayton had to physically bend his neck in order to look upward and address Luzella. Much like her littermate Wulfshn, Luzella was even taller and carried an equally powerful build. Her muscular physique glimmered in her chamber’s candle light and showed off her body well. Brayton felt even shorter while in the shadow of Luzella. He looked up as if each breath might be his last. He did his best to remain calm and collected while around her and her amazonian features. Fear began to crawl up his neck as he wondered how many of his fellow countrymen had fallen to her. The way she moved, the way she breathed, the look in her blizzard like eyes, everything about her was dangerous and predatory.

“Did you get lost slave?” Luzella asked now resting her large arm on the side of the door frame. Brayton looked up at the arm that could easily crush him and swallowed hard. The Kazdruk’s long raven black hair hung loosely while slightly dancing in the hall’s breeze. Brayton couldn’t help but follow the elegant tresses that contrasted harshly against her deadly body. The long black strands lead down to her large heavy breasts where an icy blue snowflake pendent sat between them. Brayton quickly kneeled before the great woman and then spoke.

“I bumped into Wulfshn your greatness. My apologies…I have your-“

“Shush! I did not ask for excuses,” Luzella cut off the human and took a step forward before smiling. “Well? What are you waiting for? Complete your delivery,” Luzella spoke standing aside to let Brayton enter.

Brayton wasted no time, got to his feet and walked forward waiting for a disciplinary strike that never came. Luzella’s room was dark this eve, as only a handful of candles light the room. The room smelled of a strong exotic incense that slightly choked Brayton as he walked deeper in. The smell conjured up memories of the elvish temples he had once visited. Many years back while providing security during a summit of diplomacy with the Northern elvish houses. The aroma was soothing, yet invigorating. Brayton found it odd for a Kazdruk to burn such scents and wondered if it had in fact been taken by force during a raid or torn from an elvish temple that was most likely a pile of ash and cinders now.

Brayton’s thoughts were quickly knocked out of his mind as Luzella slammed the heavy door behind her. Brayton froze in terror. Usually Luzella took her drinks and sent him on his merry way. Luzella locked the door, the metallic clang of the latch causing Brayton’s heart to skip a beat.

“Place the box on the table.”

Not to keep the Kazdruk waiting, Brayton quickly made his way to the table and began to unload the drinks. As Brayton was carefully unloading the contents, he sensed Luzella directly behind him. The large amazonian placed both of her hands on Brayton’s shoulders.

“I’ve wanted to get a closer look at you boy,” Luzella purred while running her hands down his arms. “A human of Goldulin I presume?”

Brayton stood frozen, the words stung hard, flaring up suppressed anger that flushed his face red. The Kazdruk knew what she was doing and could feel the human tense up. Running her hand up to the back of his neck, Luzella wrapped her hand around it tightly, reminding Brayton that she could break it easily it if provoked.


“Yes, yes, I was a soldier of Goldulin,” Brayton finally replied trying to hide his anger.  

“A land laid to rest. How unfortunate,” Luzella returned coldly.

Picking up a new bottle she ran her white eyes across the label before stabbing the cork with Geem’s dagger and removing it. Looking down at the human, she smirked before taking a long swig of the alcoholic drink. Brayton uncomfortably looked around the room, unsure of why Luzella still had him here. It was hard to ignore the various weapons and war trophies that decorated the camber. Many of the them were remains of exotic beasts and skulls of dangerous creatures. Along the opposite side, Brayton noticed a holding cell and was surprised to suddenly see a blonde elf at the bars staring back. The elf startled him. Behind the elf was a darker elf who was sitting along the back wall. Luzella slammed down the bottle that was now almost empty, startling Brayton further. He quickly looked away from the cell and returned his eyes to the ground.

“Am I boring you human?” Luzella asked.

“No ma’am, I was just admiring your—uh, decor.”

Luzella smiled knowing the human had noticed her two slaves.

“Would you like to meet them?

Brayton’s eyes shifted from left to right thinking of a quick response to the obvious trick question.

“Well, it would be rude to not properly introduce myself.”

Luzella laughed at the human’s witty response, wondering how this human slave had managed to make it this long without being killed. Luzella shoved Brayton forward toward the holding cell.

“Ladies, this here is Brayton he wishes to say hello.”

Avelyn watched on with an emotionless face wondering why the human slave was here. Unimpressed with the male before her, she flashed him a fictitious smile. Tasha looked up, huffed in disgust and looked away. Before Brayton could say anything to the two women, he was yanked away by Luzella’s firm grip.

“By now, your master is most likely annoyed that you’re missing. Let me guess, you’re one of Raltok’s boys?”

Brayton remained silent and nodded yes, trying his damn best to not look at Luzella’s cleavage. Unbeknownst to Brayton, Luzella had caught the human looking. Without warning, Luzella shoved Brayton against the table, her body easily pinning him.

 “You seem to have a hard time controlling your eyes human.”

“My apologies ma’am. Please, I don’t wish to keep you. I should really be on my way.”

Luzella smiled.

“Oh no, you aren’t going anywhere,” the Kazdruk replied while pushing her tits onto Brayton’s chest and causing the wood table to strain under them. “Raltok will have to do without you. He will have to simply replace you,” Luzella returned as she shifted behind Brayton and pulled a set of shackles forward. Brayton couldn’t move, he wriggled as much as he could but the amazonian easily held him against the table’s surface. The cold shackles quickly locked around his wrists with a metallic snap. With a smile, Luzella let up and tightened the slack on the chains by cranking an unseen mechanism behind Brayton. He found his arms being stretched to either side, leaving him zero slack while crucified to the table’s surface.

“What…what are you doing?” Brayton mumbled. His mind hectically raced with various possibilities, all of them ending in painful death.

Luzella came back with a thick rope and pushed it into Brayton’s mouth. The human let out a muffled protest but was gagged into silence with the rope. Luzella laughed as she tied it off behind his head.

” There we go, all your questions were beginning to annoy me. You appear to be strong enough to last me a few nights.”

Brayton’s eye widened at the comment, for that was the second time he heard those very words this evening. What did they mean?

” I haven’t tasted the cum of a male in some time, little pet,” Luzella spoke softly as she removed her top, letting her hefty breasts fall free. “I get the craving now and then. Now that I think about it, I could earn some extra coin with your seed, if you can produce enough for me that is,” Luzella continued as she began to lightly glide her stolen elvish dagger down Brayton’s stomach and stopping near his cock. “I think you’re in well enough shape to provide me some. I was going to kill you in a rather horrific way but lucky for you, I reconsidered.” Luzella slashed sideways with the dagger, dangerously close to the human’s cock. Brayton jumped thinking his manhood might have just been severed off. He was afraid to look but was relieved that he felt no pain. He finally looked down and exhaled in relief that only his cod piece had been cut off.

“I suppose even you human men have your uses. Perhaps I was too quick to judge your kind. Small and weak, yes. Useless for fighting and conquering. Too slow and feeble to build anything at a reasonable pace— and rather small to properly pleasure a Kazdruk woman. But a milk stud? Perhaps you could fulfill that duty. You see, Human seed is quite the delicacy in these parts. It’s worth a try don’t you think? If you turn out to be too weak or produce insufficient levels of milk, then like all useless cattle, I will take you out back and end your existence. Nothing of value will be lost. What do you think?”

A bead of sweat rolled down Brayton’s forehead. He nodded in agreement, unsure what he was exactly agreeing to but it was better than death he thought.

“That’s what I thought. Not that you had a choice in the matter. Well, let’s have a little taste then.”

Luzella reached off the side and poured a bottle of slick lubricant across her tits.

“You seemed to like looking at these, so why don’t we start with them?”

Brayton couldn’t believe what was happening. He didn’t know how to respond or act. Before he could decide, he felt her heavy tits slide across his cock.

“You going to get hard for me, my boy. Or are you really that useless?”

Brayton felt his cock starting to grow. The Kazdruk’s tits smothered his cock sending a shiver of pleasure up his back. Purring softly, Luzella buried his cock between her hefty breasts making them easily disappear between her soft oily flesh. Eyeing the human and reading his response, she pushed her tits together tightly before bouncing them up and down. The heavy weight of her tits smacked on Brayton’s legs and stomach as she stroked him now. Hungrily, she bounced them more. His cock rock hard, Brayton moaned slightly through his bite gag.

“Oh, the little stud likes this?”

Luzella upped her pace slightly, letting her nipple rings jingle with each bounce. Her soft tits jiggled around stroking the human’s cock that was trapped deep inside. Constricted by her tits, Brayton’s cock was already getting close to blowing. For a blood-thirsty killing animal, Luzella certainly knew what she was doing and it was expeditiously driving Brayton over the edge.

Switching to her hand, she completely dominated the human’s penis. His length never reached the edge of her full palm as her large hand completely enveloped him with ease. Softly she jerked him up and and down causing her soft tits to recoil with each stroke. Luzella smirked as the human’s cock began to flex in her palm. Squeezing harder, she effortlessly stroked him into submission as her new pet started to cum. Luzella grinned and squeezed her tits together burying Brayton’s cock between them again. She growled softly as she felt the cock spurting and flexing deep under her breasts.


Luzella Brayton


Hot strings of cum made their way out from between the slick valley, splashing up across the top of Luzella’s tits and face. The cold chains rattled as the human shook from his powerful orgasm. Luzella didn’t let up and continued to stroke her slave’s cock. Torturing the male with her strong hand, she slowly stroked onward, pumping out the last of his thick cum. Tremors rocked the human’s body as she now kept a slow pace of endless stroking. Luzella lapped the strand of cum that hung from her lip. She purred in response as the sweet cum melted across her tongue. The taste turned her on greatly as she lapped more off her own tits.

“Oh you will do just fine my little stud.”

Brayton wriggled in his shackles as Luzella kept stroking his now overly sensitive cock. She knew it would drive him mad and took pleasure in the action. With a deep smile, she watched as Brayton’s body convulsed with each slow stroke. She continued to rape his manhood with her strong hand. Now running her index finger under his glans, she wanted more of his sweet cum. Brayton bit hard into his rope gag, praying to the gods that she would stop. Alas, the stroking never stopped. Up and down the Kazdruk’s hand went, each completion sending a wave of sensitive agony through the human’s body. Luzella took her freehand and ran her fingers into the lubricant. Reaching back, she slid her finger into Brayton’s ass.

“Oh, you’re quite tight aren’t you. This should be enjoyable to fuck later tonight. How does that sound?”

Brayton clenched down on his mouth gag as her finger probed deep into his ass. Sliding in and out, she moved onto two fingers, earning another moan. Luzella smiled and began massaging his prostate. The human arched his back as the combined stroking of his sensitive cock and prostate caused him to explode again, blasting more cum across Luzella’s tits and face.


Luzella milking



With a grin, Luzella lapped up the new sweet strands but the cruel Kazdruk did not stop. She kept stroking.          

The slow sensual torture was finally interrupted by a chime-like sound coming from a mirror on the other side of the room. Brayton thought it sounded like a mix of wind chimes and crackling fire. Luzella’s face turned to annoyance as she kept stroking and milking. The sound did not stop. Finally, Luzella concluded her session of hand domination, turned and walked towards the mirror. Brayton did his best to catch his breath as he watched in amazement. The Kazdruk waved in front of the mirror and a burst of green energy rippled out like water turning the reflection into an image. The Kazdruk waitress of the mess hall appeared on the other side. The close friend of Luzella’s smiled in the mirror.

“Zris, what is it?” Luzella asked puzzled.

“Luzella, please forgive my intrusion. I thought you would like to know of an important event that took place here in the tavern.” 

“Go on.” 

“Velkra killed Gelhoz this eve. She has claimed herself as their new talon leader. Her takeover as of now, has gone uncontested. The other members appear to have accepted her as their new leader.” 

“Is that so?” Luzella paused for a moment lapping a stray strand of cum off her lips. “Velkra is pushing forward it seems, possibly attempting to rekindle that limp and maimed talon that Gelhoz ran. He had become too complacent, his leadership declining. We shall keep a close eye on Velkra then. I foresee her possibly surpassing the other talons,” Luzella smirked. “Huh, crafty keeat. She waited for the perfect moment to establish her dominance. Well, I shall congratulate her then. Now, in person.”

“As you wish Luzella. Good eve.”

The mirror zapped and fizzled back to normal as Luzella spun around looking at Bryton.

“Hm, well appears I have some congratulating to do. Don’t you worry, I will be back to further test your limits,” She laughed before lapping his cock head one last time. “Stay put, i’ll be back soon.”

Brayton shook the shackles that still kept him in place. He let out a muffle as Luzella left him locked to the table like a cow.






A wave of quandary washed over Luzella’s face as she tried to rationalize Velkra’s next move. Turning the corridor’s corner sharply, the Kazdruk made her way towards the stairs that lead to the lower levels. Wulfshn appeared around the step’s bend as she briskly jogged up the stairs. Luzella watched as her sister’s long black hair bounced with each step. She let a small smile slip as she caught view of Wulfshn’s top struggling to carry the weight of each heavy breast.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Luzella inquired, catching Wulfshn off guard as she had not noticed her littermate at the top of the stairs yet.

“Oh, good evening Luzella,” Wulfshn replied with a mischievous smile. “Heading back to my chambers. I forgot my damn key for the east wing’s armory. I forget the fuckin’ key every time. Was going to sharpen my axes a bit before bed.” 

“Too many strikes to the head will do that,” Luzella laughed. “I’m on my way to congratulate Velkra on her subjugation of Gelhoz’s talon. She is now their leader.”

Wulfshn stopped in surprise before her face turned to a cruel smile. 

“Oh, is that so? Well, please send her my regards then.” 

“I shall pass on your praise; goodnight sister,” Luzella returned with a short abbreviated bow.

Wulfshn returned a smile and walked past Luzella into the upper halls. Quickly she moved, passing the other chambers including Luzella’s door. Wulfshn waited a moment before looking back over her shoulder. Curiosity now fell over the Kazdruk. She paused at her own door before looking back down the hall at Luzella’s door. A spark of arousal pulsed below Wulfshn’s navel. Biting her lip, she wondered where that scrumptious delivery boy had gone. Knowing her littermate better than anyone, Wulfshn knew he was probably locked up in Luzella’s chamber.

Taking a slow step backward, another shock ran up between her legs. She measured and balanced the consequences of stealing Luzella’s property.  A sly smirk drew across her face as any form of reasonable thought quickly slipped away. Her lustful cravings took ahold and was already starting to boil over.  Wulfshn wanted that Brayton for her own. With her mind decided, Wulfshn went into her own room to gather some supplies. Remembering Jelthra’s magical key, she opened her nightstand drawer with a big smile. Luzella had wanted nothing to do with the magically fraudulent item and tossed it aside during Jelthra’s interrogation. Wulfshn knew the magical key would come in handy someday and was quick to take it. She grabbed the key before softly creeping back into the hall. Wulfshn’s size and hooves didn’t lend well to sneaking around. Realizing how ridiculous she was being, the tall Kazdruk let a small laugh slip and she shook her head. Giving up, she simply walked to Luzella’s door with purpose. Working surprisingly delicately for a lust fueled, hell bent warrior, Wulfshn slid the bewitched key into the door’s slot. A soft blue glow leaked inside the keyhole before rewarding Wulfshn with a click. Her icy eyes filled with excitement as the door hinged open.






Luzella’s white eyes inquisitively peered into the mess hall. Shifting back and forth, she scanned the noisy tavern for Velkra. To her surprise, she was not there. Smiling, Luzella quickly realized many of Gelhoz’s contingent was nowhere in sight either.

She certainly isn’t wasting anytime—putting them to work already,” Luzella conversed with herself.

Luzella turned around, knowing exactly where she would find Velkra and her new talon. Passing the eastern section of the spire, the powerful Kazdruk trotted down a wide, deep spiral staircase. Reaching the lower landing, she ducked slightly to not drag her horns across the entryway. The ample egress lead out to an outside training field surrounded by tall stone columns adorned with various statues. The coliseum held Velkra and her new troops. Luzella walked closer before stopping at the last step. Arms crossed, she leaned her heavy build against a large statue of the Matritach. There, Luzella stood and watched. Velkra had her talon in strict formation. The tall, white haired warrior walked up and down the lines inspecting each warrior. Now and then, Velkra barked harsh orders at soldiers who had fallen out of line. The whole spectacle brought a smile to Luzella’s face as Velkra pushed a non complying warrior to the ground. It didn’t take long for the rowdy warrior to fall back into line, a touch of harsh coaxing is all it took, crimson running down the male’s face. 

Luzella stepped down and walked closer. Velkra peered over at Luzella with her one good eye while the ruined one twitched slightly in displeasure. Letting a short exhale release out her nose, Velkra stood straight with her hands behind her back and swiftly walked towards Luzella.

“Luzella,” Velkra spoke with a dash of annoyance while bowing her head slightly. “Rather fortuitous finding you here. Can I assist you?”

Luzella glared at Velkra and moved passed her to the first row of warriors before she began to inspect the bunch herself.

“A shame what happened to Gelhoz,” Luzella sighed. “But I suppose he had it coming. A predator that no longer craves blood, will inevitably become the prey.” 

“He held this talon back,” Velkra responded coldly.

“Perhaps he did,” Luzella replied.

“Tell me, why are you really here Luzella?” 

“To congratulate you of course,” the purebred smiled. “I’m sure you will push this talon to greatness. I see you’ve already started.”

Velkra’s eye narrowed. She knew Luzella’s games and wasn’t going to fall for them. 

“Perhaps you should be leading your own talon instead of sticking your nose in others. I wonder if your soldiers would have your back,” Velkra spat. 

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, I’ve lead my talon to glory. The walls in the great battle hall are etched with tales of my greatness,” Luzella glared. 

Another soldier was leaning, crooked out of place from the rest. Velkra knocked the Kazdruk to the ground before pulling him back up and shoving him back in place.  

“Sounds like something Gelhoz would say Luzella. There were many tales of his greatness once too. When did you last leave the spire?” Velkra didn’t smile, it was a cold statement. Luzella glared back while slowly clutching her fist. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have a wounded talon to mend,” Velkra spoke before turning her back. The corner of Luzella’s lip twitched as a searing flame of anger crept up between her shoulder blades.

“Mhm, It appears you do.”  

Exhaling through her nose, Luzella turned and left.   






Like a child sneaking into an elvish bakery, Wulfshn peered into Luzella’s dark chambers. Chilly ambient light spilled onto the dark blue stone work. Strapped to a table on the other side of the room, Brayton laid. Wulfshn slowly walked up to his side. Towering over him, she grinned at her soon to be toy. The human looked back up in fear, still unable to talk with the rope in his mouth. Wulfshn could see it in his eyes. It was the same expression the small Raelkevs made when she would catch them as a young girl. The red, squirrel like rodent’s eyes would fill with terror as her and her litter mates would hold them.

“Brayton correct?” Wulfshn asked smirking. The anticipation was driving her mad now. His scent filled her nostrils, she wanted to fuck him right then and there. Running her hand down across his chest she swirled her finger in a small circle. Brayton was left only to awkwardly nod yes. “You’re in luck, i’m here to rescue you,” Wulfshn spoke with her harsh Kazdruk accent. Brayton nodded again a tad quicker. Wulfshn reached down and undid his mouth gag. A woman’s voice suddenly spoke out from the other side of the room.

“I don’t believe Luzella will be very happy when she finds out you took her milk boy there,” Avelyn smiled from within her cell, pointing to Brayton through the cage bars.

Wulfshn turned to view Avelyn who was watching the whole faux rescue unfold.   

“Oh…right, you.” 

Wulfshn swirled her tongue inside her mouth for a moment knowing this would indeed cause problems. Walking over to Avelyn’s cage, she noticed a southland elf on a mat sleeping. Wulfshn squatted down to eye level of Avelyn and smiled.

“You’ll keep that elvish mouth of yours shut when Luzella returns.”

Avelyn only returned a sly grin knowing the cards were now in her hand.

“Or what Wulfshn?” 

Wulfshn sneered angrily before lashing out towards the cage. She quickly caught herself and looked around for a moment puzzled. The elf was right, she could not harm one of her sister’s most prized possessions.

“Fine, fine. What do you want? We can make a deal, i’m sure.”

“Take me with you,” the elf spoke intently.

Wulfshn let a brief laugh escape while the corner of her lip curled in contemplation.

“You can’t be serious. Please, I don’t have time for this slave. Luzella will be back soon.”

“You and I both know she will find out one way or another. So let me out! Take me with you,” Avelyn implored.  

Wulfshn noticed the elf’s eyes this time. They were looking past her and towards the male on the table. Lust was burning in the elf’s jade eyes. Wulfshn cocked her head to the side in bewilderment as a big smile fell over. 

“You’re turning aren’t you?”

“Huh? What are you talking about! Let me out!” Avelyn spoke sternly while trying to keep her voice down. She wasn’t aware of how heavily she was breathing.

“Sush! Calm down. You’ll ruin this for both of us. Listen, I’ll give you this key. It can unlock any door— at least I think it can, it’s how I got in. That’s a fair trade, no? You can leave whenever you want, just keep your mouth shut,” Wulfshn smiled while holding the key up in view.

Avelyn thought for a moment. A key like that would be most useful.

“How can I trust you Wulfshn?”

“You can’t,” Wulfshn smirked. “But i’ll test it on your cell if you wish,” Wulfshn returned while placing the key into the lock. 

Avelyn watched as the key emitted a soft glow before it finally unlocked the gate. The elf’s eyes opened wide and she quickly stepped forward to get out. 

“Not so fast,” Wulfshn barked and pushed the northern elf back before relocking the gate. “If you want this key, then you won’t say a word then?” 

Avelyn frowned while looking at the key Wulfshn was dangling before her.

“Fine, deal.” 

“Just don’t leave your cell right away or it will be far too suspicious. If you’re smart, you’ll save it for awhile, perhaps at an opportune strategic moment.” 

Avelyn nodded in agreement. The Kazdruk smiled and pushed the key through the bars handing it to the elf.

“Listen to me carefully elf, if you don’t keep your word, I will make your life an absolute hell, I promise you that. Luzella will be the least of your worries.” 

Avelyn glared back at the Kazdruk. Wulfshn turned, freed Brayton and dragged him out of Luzella’s chambers.




Brayton found himself in Wulfshn’s chambers now. The room was similar to Luzella’s, filled with war banners, weapons and other various oddities. Those aside, Brayton noticed a different aroma. The elvish incense was replaced with a smokier scent that was laced with a strong yet enticing spice. It was a more traditional Kazdruk incense that caused his heart to race. Brayton wiggled his toes while rolling his ankles. Two thick cold shackles were now latched around them with short chains anchored to the steel bed posts. The human’s wrists suffered the same fate, with both arms outstretched and bound to the headboard. Completely naked and unable to move, Brayton twisted his head trying to see what Wulfshn was doing.

 The Kazdruk warrior had her back to the human and was tinkering with something on a dresser. Brayton swallowed hard as the Kazdruk removed her clothing leaving only a tight black thong on. Eyeing the black undergarment that hugged her wide hips, Brayton shivered. The amazonian’s round sculpted ass glimmered in the candle light leading the human’s eyes up her powerful broad back.

Brayton only looked on in awe. He was amazed by the Kazdruk’s long powerful legs. She looked bred for destruction and Brayton was beginning to worry about what she had in store for him.

 He would soon find out as the warrior spun around revealing her large mammaries and chiseled stomach. Brayton subconsciously sighed in relief that Wulfshn did not carry a large phallus between her legs like her sister. Instead, he could see her labia pushing through her tight thong. Wulfshn walked forward with her hips swaying sending Brayton’s mind into a tizzy. The young man’s head exploded with conflicting ideas. He couldn’t deny that the way this demonic woman moved was surprisingly seductive. She brushed up against the side of the bed looking down at Brayton. While running her hand through his hair she flashed him a cruel grin.

 “Have you ever fucked a Kazdruk before Brayton?” She asked bluntly, now running her freehand across his stomach and then down towards his cock. Brayton hesitated before silently shaking his head side to side. “Oh? I find that surprising. How long have you been behind these walls?”

 “Well—uh, I’m not sure. I’ve started to lose track of time, a few months I suppose.”

 “I see,” Wulfshn smirked. “Well, you are no longer a delivery boy,” She replied while moving onto the bed with him, her powerful weight sinking into the soft bedding.

 “Oh?” He replied nervously.

 “Mmm, you can thank me later,” Wulfshn returned biting her lower lip. “If you live long enough that is.”

 ” I—uh.”


Wulfshn lifted her authoritative leg and rested her thick muscular thigh on Brayton. The human shuffled under her in fear, praying that maybe the shackles would somehow come loose. Maybe by the gods, a link would break, or perhaps the Kazdruk steel would bend apart. No such luck came to the human as he remained trapped to the bed, unable to move in the slightest. Wulfshn continued over and straddled the man. Grinning, she pressed down onto Brayton and slowly rubbed herself into his loins.

“You’re mine now human, my personal sex slave,” she whispered softly. Wulfshn rested her full weight down and flipped her hair over with her hand. Eyeing the human in a hungry fashion, she relished in his fear and helplessness. Growling softly, she placed her hands down onto his chest and pried her nails across him lightly.

Brayton grimaced at the pain and was finding it hard to breath as the warrior started to grind her large body into his. 

“You’re going to fuck me long into the night Brayton. Am I understood?”

Brayton looked up helplessly and began to squirm again. Wulfshn lunged down letting her heavy breasts press into his chest while forcing a kiss. Her soft lips ravished the human’s as his head was pinned in place. Brayton gasped as the Kazdruk unknowingly begin crushing him. His chest unable to take full breaths, he let a soft muffle of protest out. With a malevolent smile, the athletic Kazdruk shoved her slave’s body deeper into the bed. The woman let a moan slip as her legs flexed in arousal. Brayton felt his cock hardening as the amazonian rubbed her eager womanhood across his cock over and over.

 “Oh, there we go. I’m going to get you nice and hard Brayton.”

 Wulfshn lowered herself letting her long, dark hair brush across the human’s stomach. Hungrily, she watched as the human’s cock bobbed up and down. Smiling, Wulfshn wrapped her large lips around his cock head and sucked slowly and softly. Her plump lips dominated his glans pulling forth precum and making him melt in pleasure. Brayton gasped as his captor worked his manhood. Soft slurps emitted into the room, mixed with laps of her strong tongue. Wulfshn’s eyes narrowed in hunger as Brayton’s sweet precum spilled across her tongue.

 “Mmm, that’s what I want, give me that lush cum boy,” Wulfshn ordered before sucking on his cock head again. Brayton’s entire body flexed in pleasure as the Kazdruk suckled on his cock. Reaching up and placing her hands on Brayton’s stomach, Wulfshn took the human’s cock deeper into her throat. The human became lost in bliss as he watched his cock disappear between the Kazdruk’s soft lips. Bobbing her head slowly, she made eye contact with Brayton as she sunk his entire cock down her throat.

 Being no stranger to deep throating her sister’s large cock, this human’s size took no real effort for Wulfshn. She pressed down and kept the cock down her throat. Keeping eye contact she swallowed for Brayton. The human shivered as the powerful woman massaged his cock with her throat. She swallowed again and again milking his cock. Wulfshn let out a soft purr as she slowly sucked her slave. Watching the human, she kept his cock trapped deep in her mouth and slid her tongue down his shaft and across his balls. With long laps, Wulfshn worked his balls, eager for his load.

 Brayton exploded over the edge quickly as the Kazdruk relentlessly sucked him off. Thick spurts blasted into her mouth. Wulfshn’s eyes narrowed tightly as the human came. Swallowing in long gulps, Wulfshn drank her slave’s sweet seed. Not missing a drop, she came up and pushed Brayton into the bed again.

 “Give me more,” she demanded. Her harsh accent even more aggressive than before.






Jelthra tightened the chain straps of her reptilian skin top. While adjusting her breasts, the human caught Kamri looking.

 “Enjoying ze view, hmm?”

 Not bothering to look away, Kamri grinned while tightening her braid and grabbing her staff.

 “Mm, yes. Yes I am.”

 Jelthra returned a small smirk.

 “Well, let zus find Brazeek and finalize zis plan.”

 Kamri nodded and the two left their room. With the imprinted spell in hand, the two rounded the sharp corner and hopped down some steps towards Brazeek’s chamber.

 “So, you think this idea will work?” Kamri asked, a bit unsure of herself.

 “I zink so, yes. Ze spell is surprisingly simple. Low enough level that either of us can cast it but the portal won’t be open long—the real skill involved in the caster, is keeping it open long enough to move sizeable amounts of troops through. Luckily for us, we just need to shove a single Luzella into ze portal. Ze real trick will be timing it juz right and keeping Luzella occupied while we open ze actual portal. That’s where Brazeek will comz in.”

 Kamri nodded in agreement.

 “And what about Wulfshn? How do we keep her out of our hair while we focus on Luzella?”

 Jelthra smiled for a second.

 “You know, i’ve been thinking about zat. I think I have an idea.”

 “Oh? Well, please do tell.”

“Well, she would do anything to have a zecond go at you, i’m sure. Zo you would be perfect bait,” Jelthra laughed.

 “Oh great—love this idea already.” Kamri returned sarcastically.

 “Well, I used to have an area in ze lower level as an interrogation cell. It’s across from the main Keeat stalls. Iz we could get Wulfshn in there, we could zet the stall doors in a way to funnel them all into that one dead-end room!”

 Kamri became jubilated at the idea.

 “Lovely! We just need a way to get that bitch stuck in there.”

 “Mhm, I have a tripwire like spell zhat just might work. If our target passes over it, it zets off a small explosion of a potent sleep spell. We could place it in the corridor and bait Wulf to follow you over it. Zen pow, goodnight wulfy.”

 “That sounds perfect! Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” Kamri asked in excitement. “We can use it on Luzella too!”

 “Well, there iz one problem. Ze spell’s strength is calibrated for average human and elf sized beings. The ztrength and effect of the spell is dependent on ze target’s weight. This will be very short acting on someone the the size and mass of Wulfshn. It should give us just enough time to lock Wulfshn into a breeding stock but I doubt it would work on Luzella at all. She could probably stagger through it.”

 “Damn! Well if you think it’ll work on Wulf, then let’s do it.”

 “Great. Let us recruit Brazeek and fill him in.”

 The two turned the final bend and knocked on Brazeeks’s door.






Wulfshn playfully laid on top of Brayton like a large panther. Pinning the human to the bed, she bit her lip and stroked the human’s cock softly. Brayton huffed from the Kazdruk’s weight on his chest. Not able to move, he accepted that he was at the complete mercy of the warrior.  After being forced to cum so many times in a short period, he was spent and ultra sensitive. His loins burned and exhaustion was beginning to set in. Wulfshn glared downward with a face of hunger Brayton had never seen before.

“Why aren’t you getting hard for me?” The Kazdruk purred. “Surly that’s not all you humans have, is it?” Wulfshn ran her tongue across the boy’s lips while moving her large hand around his balls. Squeezing them softly, she began nibbling on his ear. “This will not do.”

 Wulfshn stood up and moved toward her dresser. She quickly returned with a large glass bottle filled with a strange liquid.

 “Hmm, I forgot about your human refractory periods,” Wulfshn laughed and hopped back down on him, straddling his waist. “This should help, so I can properly fuck you.”

 Flipping the potion bottle around she looked at the written directions on the back.

The label read:

One small cup for a hour free of refractory period.

Confused, Wulfshn turned the bottle upside-down and squinted her eyes hoping she could read it better.

“Hmm, not sure what the directions say. I think it’s in elvish or is it human? Never could read all your dialects. I can hardly read our own,” she smiled. “A Kazdruk sorceress gave it to me awhile back. Something about it being less demanding than using her own spells. She briefly mentioned something about using too much—or was it using too little? Hmm, oh well.”

 Brayton’s eye’s widened. What the hell was she doing he wondered. Wulfshn popped the cork off, pinched the human’s nostrils and shoved the bottle in his mouth. Not able to move, Brayton was force fed the potion. He instantly felt his cock tingle. He squirmed around as Wulfshn keept the bottle in his mouth forcing him to chug it down.

 “Whoops, hope that wasn’t too much,” Wulfshn spoke looking at the bottle that was almost empty now.

 Wulfshn tossed the bottle to the side and smiled at his hardening cock. She stuffed his cock back into her mouth and began suckling on it like a hungry calf. With a carnivorous moan, Wulfshn bobbed her head up and down slurping loudly. Brayton’s balls felt ready to explode. The Kazdruk worked her powerful mouth, taking him deep again and milking him with her lips. Looking up at Brayton with her sultry eyes, she slowly took him to the hilt. The sensation drove Brayton mad. Her warm mouth completely enveloped him. Holding him deep, she lapped her tongue out across his balls. Wulfshn wasn’t messing around, she wanted more of his cum and knew how to get it.


Wulfshn BJ


Not letting up, the Kazdruk made soft swallowing sounds as her tongue slide back and forth working the underside of his cock. Brayton shivered as he was driven over the edge again. Swaying her ass and hips, she smiled around his cock as it began to pump a thick load into her mouth. Pushing herself down so her nose pressed against his stomach, she let her slave finish unloading down her throat. Hosting herself up she lapped the excess cum off her lips. Moving upward across the boy’s chest, she leaned into his ear.

 “Perhaps I can give your manhood a small break,” she whispered. “How does that sound?”

 Brayton nodded, thanking every god and goddess he neweven the pretentious elvish onesthat he could finally rest. The amazinion demon lifted herself off him. Brayton took a deep breath mixed with a sigh of relief. No relief would come for the human. Wulfshn slid her thong down exposing her smooth pussy. In eager thrill, she slid a finger between her cunt’s lips and pulled back a glistening trail of sweet honey.

 “Do you treat all women like this Brayton? It’s rude to not return the favor.”

 Before Brayton could respond, the Kazdruk was already hosting herself over his face. In a feeble attempt, the human tried to pull his head away. Wulfshn denied the movement, grabbed a fistfull of his hair and held him in place. With a soft moan, Wulfshn slowly pressed her womanhood over his face, cutting off any audible protest. Brayton was completely smothered as the Kazdruk’s dripping pussy pressed over his nose and mouth. Relaxing and resting her full weight on the boy, Wulfshn sighed in delight as her slave wriggled underneath. With no concern for the human, the warrior cherished the euphoric act and began to push down harder, letting her clit press against his mouth.

 Brayton panicked as the forcible woman didn’t let up. Throwing her head back, Wulfshn rocked back and forth leisurely. Each muffled cry underneath sent chills up her back and stiffend her nippels. His lungs burning, the human kicked wildly looking for reprieve. Brayton received none. Wulfshn did not care, for he was nothing but a toy now. She only focused on her own pleasure. As if the shackles and her own muscular weight weren’t enough, Wulfshn gripped his hair even harder now and forced his head to stay in place.

 There was no way Brayton could move. No one would hear his cries for help either. Raltok, Luzella, the guards, no one would hear him. Only soft muffled noises as Wulfshn began rocking harder now. Brayton’s hands turned to fists as he frantically struggled. Wulfshn’s pace increased as she began bouncing. Pummeled underneath, Brayton was seeing stars. Working her hips, the Kazdruk fucked her slave’s face.

 Soft tingly sparks of pleasure were crawling up her back now. Using the human’s mouth and face, Wulfshn drew closer to her climax. Arching her back in sheer lust, the demon came. In powerful short jolts, Wulfshn lost control as pure ecstasy rushed through her. Letting her body collapse, she remained on top of Bratyon as her powerful orgasm faded. Catching her breath she smiled nefariously as she realized Brayton was still trapped under her, unable to breath. Slowly moving off him, she looked down at his motionless body.

 “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not getting off that easy. This is just the foreplay my little boy.”

Wulfshn smacked Brayton hard across the face. With groggy eyes, the human looked around confused as he slowly regained consciousness. Wulfshn reached down and began stroking his already hardening cock again. The tall woman ran her hands around and undid his shackles. Holding the boy by the hair, she pulled him upward. Wrapping her arm around Brayton’s head, she continued by pulling his face into her breast. Brayton couldn’t believe the shear strength the Kazdruk woman possessed. Locked in a vice, her biceps curled, trapping his head in-place while pressed into her soft flesh.

 “Suck on my nipple, toy, or i’ll end you.” Wulfshn ordered with her heavy accent.

 Brayton complied and opened his mouth. Before he could act, the sinister woman had already shoved her stiff nipple into his mouth.

 “Mmm, there you go.”

 Brayton suckled on the tit, running his tongue across it and fumbling it around in his mouth. Wulfshn made a fist and pulled his hair back before pushing his face deep into her smooth breast again, this time covering his nose. With her free hand, Wulfshn ran her fingers down to her dripping pussy. Massaging herself now, she wanted the human inside her. With a wild growl, she shoved him back onto the bed. This time his feet pointed toward the headboard. Roughly, she moved his arms and legs into position. With a grim smirk she re-shackled them.

 “It’s good practice to keep your toys from moving, wouldn’t want you falling off the bed now.”

 Brayton instinctually tested the chains and looked on worried realizing he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He looked down wondering how the hell his cock was still so hard. Wulfshn also noticed. The new look in Wulfshn’s eyes did not settle well with Brayton. Her demeanor shifted to a truly menacing look. Her eye’s targeted him like he was her next meal.

 Tail whipping back and forth, she crawled back onto the bed and slowly made her way toward the human. Brayton was terrified, she looked like a lioness moving in on her prey. Straddling him again, she drove her nails into his chest before grinding herself across his cock. Pushing him into the bed, she forced her lips onto his and stuffed her tongue into his mouth. Brayton’s eyes flew wide open as the enemies’ lush lips pushed into his, giving a forcefully, yet passionate kiss.

“You don’t taste half bad for a human,” Wulfshn claimed before pushing herself back onto him. Rubbing her clit across his cock, she was dripping for him. With a single powerful gyration of her hips, Wulfshn aligned her slave’s cock head with her cunt and pushed. Brayton gasped as he felt her strong lips clamping around his cock-head. Everything about this woman was powerful. Her arms, her stomach, her legs and even her womanhood constricted his cock like a large snake from the southlands. Greedily, she pushed herself down more, shoving his cock deeper inside. Brayton grunted as the large woman moved herself up and down slowly.

The sensation of her velvet insides squeezing his cock was the most incredible feeling the human had ever had. Wulfshn snarled and drove her hands into his chest again. Holding the boy down, she raked her nails down his torso before increasing her pace. Brayton nervously looked upward at the amazonian as the bed began straining under their weight. Each bounce knocked the wind out of him as his head started spinning.  

The ravenous Kazdruk didn’t know her own strength, or if she did, she didn’t care. As long as she got off, she didn’t care if her toy was slowly crushed. There was always more slaves available in the event of his death. With heavy breaths, Brayton was starting to see stars again. The creaking of the bed filled his ears, mixed with the moans of a content warrior. Her ass slapped down on his hips as her tight pussy milked his cock. The Kazdruk’s athletic womanhood completely dominated Brayton’s cock. Swallowing it whole, it squeezed and grasped his shaft quickly driving him over the edge. Wulfshn didn’t stop. She rode him hard. Bouncing up and down, Wulfshn leaned into her toy, letting her her soft tits bounce and smash into his face. Trying desperately to catch his breath, Brayton’s head spun as he was being pummeled by her heavy breasts over and over.

The evil woman continued through his orgasm. He shook as spurts of warm cum blasted up into his captor. He dug his fingers into the bed as the Kazdruk proceeded to rape him. His cock now ultra sensitive, her cunt was slowly torturing him. Brayton tried to yell stop but only an unintelligible mix of moans came out. Bouncing harder now, Wulfshn was getting close. Brayton cursed as the potion refused to let his cock get soft. He was nothing but a toy to her, strapped to the bed and trapped underneath.

Wulfshn and Brayton 

Wulfshn was getting more and more physically aggressive. She had started this session relatively soft, but now she had no regards for his safety or health. Thrusting her hand around his neck, Wulfshn smiled as she controlled his very life. The bed was now bucking wildly. Stars filling his eyes, Brayton was on the verge of passing out. Wulfshn let a long moan slip past her lips as she came. Her back flexing and thighs tightening, she eased up on the boy’s neck. She slowed, as waves of warm pleasure passed through her robust body. Panting softly, she ran her fingers across Brayton’s face caressing him and smirking. About to speak, she cut herself off, as a trio of lustful shivers passed.  

“You ready for round two?” Wulfshn then asked playfully, before smacking him hard across his face and throttling his neck again. She pushed her hips down on his cock and began bouncing again.

“Oh fuck yes. Mm-you have a ways to go before I’ll be fully satisfied.”

Holding the former soldier down, Wulfshn continued to ride her toy into the night.






Brazeek flashed Kamri and Jelthra a crooked smile as the three discussed their plan.

“Alright, zo we have Wulfshn dealt with, how about Luzella?” Jelthra spoke.

“Brazeek, could you request her to show up at a determined location?” Kamri asked.

Brazeek stroked his chin for a moment and then nodded side to side. 

“I doubt sheee would believe me. She waaas already skeptical of me releasing Jelthra.”

“Hmm, damn you’re right…,” Kamri twisted her lip as a new idea ignited in her head. “Change of plans. I’m going to challenge her,” she spoke sternly. 

“What!” Jelthra and Brazeek chirped in unison.

“Think about it, she would never turn down a chance to fight me. Plus, the spar would be on my terms. We’ll need a large area to fight in but secluded, you two have any ideas?” 

“Wha- well, I suppose you’re right, Jelthra nodded.” Iz have nothing better to suggest. As far as an open area that’s secluded, how about the north end, lower training ring? Iz rarely used.”

“Aye, mooost of the talons and other troops use the south and eeeast rings.”

“We will have to time this perfectly, if i’m to be two different baits,” Kamri spoke worried.                   

“Yoooou’re right. If Luzella and Wulfshn speak at anytime priooor to your spar challenges, they will know we’re up to something,” Brazeek interjected.

“Brazeek and I will lure Wulfshn and get her trapped zen,” Jelthra spoke confidently while turning to look at Brazeek. The large Kazdruk nodded back in agreement.

“I cooould request her assistance. Tell her I need sooome help transporting a batch of male slaves. I’ll tell her she can keep one or two if she helps. She would never turn dooown that,” Brazeek laughed. “It’s guaranteed to work.”

“Indeed, Brazeek, lovely idea. Zat should work just fine and you can help me lock her in place.” Jelthra frowned for a moment and turned to Kamri. “You will be on your own until we can get to you.” 

“I’ll be fine. I can hold my own until you two get back. Just don’t keep me waiting too long.” Kamri smirked. “Well, looks like I need to contact Luzella then.”





    1. The project is not discontinued, though Lucien has been quite busy with his new job which involves some travel, and with his baby boy. He has been trying to push out some commissions, the truth is simply that he doesn’t have as much time as he used to. When things slow down in his life, he should be getting some more chapters out. He still gets very excited about the project as a whole.

      Dawn as well is working away at his chapter.

      There is another arc though that’s updated far more recently.

  1. Intereting chapter! We’re in the endgame now! (at least with Kamthra’s plan!)

    Having seen that one pic with Wulfshn’s ass in the air, i feel a strong need for Luzella & Wulfshn to be in competing Jacko poses!!

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