Tag Archives: Lucien

Spire of Torment. Chapter 24 : Tempest’s Seed

By: Lucien

Icy drops of rain pattered across the currant dirt, turning the red soil under Geem’s boots into a soft clay. With sword in hand and reprisal weighing heavily across his heart, the valiant northern elf tromped through the mud towards the rear of the Spire. The morning sky was still black as night. The soot-filled storm clouds spun violently, swirling around the apex of the imposing spire. Shards of lighting blasted out across the tempest filled heavens, flashing white streaks across Geem and his eight fighters. The unholy steeple walls grew larger and larger as each elvish soldier became lost in its titanic, impending shadow. Onward they moved, keeping their eyes open for any sign of Kazdruk activity. Geem separated the eight soldiers.

“Ridlei, Caamrun, Neill,, and Lu’kas; you men are with me. We’ll scale the side and head upward. Tereza; take Zaya, Valery, and Celena. Head for those sewer run-offs over there!  Make your way through the sewers. Clear a way for us to escape and we’ll meet you halfway!”

“Yes sir,” Tereza nodded.The others grumbled under their breath and moved with Tereza. The four women ran off towards the exposed sewer system’s draining point. Geem and his selected men turned and headed for the Spire wall.  

(The adventures of these four is continued in Sewers of Harrow.)   

Elu took a deep breath as he led the forces head-on towards the front of the Spire. The bitter rain splashed across his face as the downpour became heavier. The grievous Spire watched over them, its intimidating walls spreading across the oily horizon. Fellow elvish troops ran across the muddy Kazdruk soil, and their boots tossed up clumps of wet dirt behind them. They moved as a wide sizable wave, head-on into the heart of wickedness and corruption. The Spire dwarfed their movements as they got closer; they soon became lost in its grandeur while approaching its nefarious open arms.  

As the armored elvish troops became within range, a deafening war horn suddenly bellowed out. The Kazdruk battle horn carried over the rattle of elvish armor and the raging tempest above. Elu and his elvish regiment slowed down their pace at the harrowing sound. Abruptly before them, the hellish spire gates began to open. The black Kazdruk walls started to rise like a terrible maw. The rusted metal slowly grinded open, revealing a wall of bloodthirsty demons. Rain splashed across their matte raven armor before trickling down and soaking their crimson skin. The beast’s sharp ivory teeth contrasted callously against their leathery dark hides. The horde of Kazdruk scrambled down the steel ramps, hooves clattering across metal before thumping to the wet soil. Hundreds of them spilled out armed with heinous obsidian blades, spears, and axes.

Elu froze in terror as he watched the demonic troops come forth. His eyes widened at the larger Talon commanders, each one pointing and shouting orders of terror. One particular Talon commander sent a shiver of panic down Elu’s back. This amazonian towered over the others carrying a massive halberd; she gazed across the battlefield as her long sable hair waved majestically in the storm’s wind. Her massive horns jut outward, high over her troops. Before Elu could say a word or command an order, the cacophony of battle rang out. Steel across steel, shields catching maces, armor prying apart and bones shattering. His wave of troops became quickly overrun in a drove of Kazdruk. Within seconds, chaos plunged through his lines. Elvish and Kazdruk heads alike were severd, sending swells of blood across the coal sky. Axes came down and elvish swords drove through sternums. The stark contrast of elf and demon swirled around across the sodden battlefield. Elu brought his sword up, deflecting the surge of blood thirsty jaws. Hacking back, he loped a helot’s head off, letting its dark blood splash across his armor. Pandemonium revolved around him as time seemed to slow. He watched as his fellow brothers and sisters drove their blades through the enemy and their adversary returned the favor. Back and forth, steel glimmered through the hazy air, traced by lines of liquid ruby.

Kamri dashed across the soaked soil into the wall of oncoming elvish flesh. A fiery mix of adrenaline and corruption surged through her veins. The cold rain and bleak wind across her skin felt liberating. The animal inside wailed at its sudden freedom, screaming as it coursed through her abhorrent, umbra soul. With swift movements her first victim fell. The elvish soldier collapsed backward with blood spewing from his slashed jugular. Without looking, Kamri drove the back end of her tapered staff through his chest. She gazed across the carnage, already eyeing up her second target. His shield was too slow while Kamri’s panther-like movements were swift. A wide arcing swing from the elvish soldier would be his last. Kamri seized the opening to drive her edged staff through his neck. She grinned in bliss as fresh crimson splattered across her caramel skin. The thrill sent her eyes ablaze as her former elvish kin fell before her. One after another, she cut through the lines like parchment. Pure bestial instinct took command as she feed into her demanding bloodlust. Out of a pile of dying elves she arose with blood painted across her lush lips and spilling like a river between her cleavage. The cycle drove her inner war machine to its maximum potential. Untouchable, her anger fueled her across the mud, slaying northern and southern elves alike. She watched across the battlefield as Brazeek tore through the lines, ripping spine from body and arm from sockets, his face in a fixed state of vicious elation. Returning to the wave in front of her, she pounced upon her next victim, tossing up an aerosolized mist of blood.   


Luzella charged into the elvish onslaught, her hooves tearing up a mix of soggy gravel and clayish earth. With berserker like agility, the great Kazdruk slashed her halberd into the masses, bisecting anyone who stood within her deadly arc. As she pulled her massive axe back, she palmed the face of an enemy elf who came too close. With her free hand, she crushed his silver helmet, letting a torrent of blood spill down his lifeless body. A group of Kazdruk grunts were slain before her, blood bubbling up from their mouths as they struggled to remain standing. Without remorse the amazonian demon pushed them to the ground, shoving them out the way. She marched over her fallen brethren before cleaving her axe blade through the shoulder of the responsible elf. She yanked him forward slicing through his torso, spilling flesh and twisted bone across the rain filled dirt. A gleaming silver sword slashed across her bracer. She moved backward deflecting the stiff strike. Two other soldiers took the window and dove upon Luzella’s muscular back. With their arms around her neck and short swords held high, they struggled to bring down the tall Talon commander. Thier swords came down hard across her pauldrons. Reaching upward, she flipped one of the elves off her back, slamming him to the wet mud below. The remaining elf hacked away at her shoulder plates before too being heaved off directly atop of his comrade. Without hesitation, Luzella drove her spear end of her halberd through both of them, skewering the elves into the blood soaked soil with a loud crunch. The third elf screamed forward at the Kazdruk and swung down wildly. Luzella reached up blocking the blade with her steel wrist bracers. Locking his elvish blade, she pushed upward, forcing his sword towards the dismal sky. With both hands gripping his blade for dear life, his torso was left exposed. The amazonian connected with a devastating elbow strike, bending his chest plate inward. As the feeble elf collapsed to his knees gripping his shattered ribs, she followed up with a hoof to his face ending his misery instantly. Smirking at the failing elves, she peered through the ensuing chaos, looking for more prey.

A glimmer in the distance caught her snow white eyes. Through the downpour and lightning filled furor, she noticed elves scaling the side of the spire, slowly making their way upward.


Luzella smiled maleficently. She turned, pulling her halberd up out of the skewered bodies. She made her way back through the lines of fallen elves and Kazdruk, not bothering to step over them. The corrupted warrior looked upward, watching the group scale back towards the south side of the spire. She kept her eyes on them as she quickly made her way to the back of the spire.


“We can make it men! Just a little farther!” Geem shouted.

Geem and his elvish kind held their long ropes tightly, pulling themselves higher and higher up the Spire walls. The ensuing battle raged on below as hundreds of elves and waves of Kazdruk slashed at each other. The cold rain rolled down Geem’s armor as he kept pulling upward with determination.

“I hope these devils left the door open for us!” A hardy red haired elf yelled to help break the tension.

The group made it three-quarters of the way up as it was the maximum range of their roped arrows. The five elvish men heaved themselves over the railing in exhaustion.The wind and rain was even heavier at their current altitude.  

“Who would expect a group of elves to scale the side of their Spire in the heart of their awful land? Of course the door will be open!” Geem smiled looking at the sinisterly open doorway before them. One elf looked back down over the edge at the tiny dots engaged in battle.

“Geem, if we do find the Queen and rescue her, how do we get her back through the lines of Kazdruk below?”

Geem looked down over the edge, puzzled with a cold glare. “We’ll worry about that when the time comes, brother; one thing at a time. We’ll find the Queen and rendezvous with the others midway within the Spire. Hopefully Tereza can clear and path and we can sneak out the sewers.”


“Aye, Geem. Then onward we go, into the heart of nightmares will shall venture, brother.”

The other elves released their swords in unison, ready to move onward.

Geem looked at his four men proudly.

“Ridlei, Caamrun, Neill, Lu’kas; you’re among my greatest men. It is a true honor that you all volunteered for this. None of us may survive this endeavor, but damn the gods! We will try! Let us find Queen Aria,” Geem spoke, finally pulling his own sword free.

The five slowly crept across the round exposed stone deck before entering the dark entrance and into the gaping mouth of darkness the elvish men went.


Elu slashed at the endless waves of helots, spilling their dark blood before kicking them off his blade. The southern elf found himself in a sea of dying Kazdruk and elves. Fear and adrenaline rushed over him as he thought each swing of his blade would be his last. Among the sea of death and severed flesh, Elu backed up against a high steel barrier. It was the foot of the Spire. It ran horizontally for hundreds of meters before slowly angling upward. After several meters, the barrier finally sharply angled high up along the side of the death tower. Axes and spears grazed off the dark steel as the elf dodged strikes. Elu quickly climbed atop the steel. The top was roughly the same height as him. He pulled himself out of the sea of bodies and chaos. Rolling to his back, he laid on top of the beam for a moment and caught his raspy breath. His chest burned as hard rain pelted his face. He slowly kneeled upward, looking out across the devastating battlefield; Elu was seeing less and less of his own kind. The sea grew darker and darker as elvish skin was flayed before him. A volley of flaming arrows rained across the sky and ripped through the remaining elvish lines.  

He got up fully to his feet and turned to run but what laid before him, along the same elevated barrier, sent a shock of twisting paroxysm through his racing heart. The breath was pulled out of Elu’s lungs as his soul was torn into a thousand screaming treads. Fear flushed through his face at the shocking sight of the woman he loved. Who was this who now stood before him?

Black braids dangled from her head and blew wildly in the harsh winds. He shuddered at the dark Kazdruk markings that now vandalized her beautiful face. Her wicked black armor reflected Elu’s fainthearted and hopeless expression. There she stood, a twisted perverted version of his lost, long love. She stood strong, gripping a blood soaked staff. Her orange cinder like eyes burned through the dark haze of war and pierced sharply into Elu’s very soul.  

Elu mumbled out her name.


She didn’t say a word; she only smirked in vanity, locking her sharp canines together in a animalistic smile.  Elu ran to her, hoping she was only but a prisoner. With his arm extended outward, he reached for her.

“Kamri! You’re alive!”

Kamri grabbed his arm tightly. In a split second, Elu thought there was a chance of hope. A ray of warm light flooded his soul, the world stopped as a deluge of tender memories erupted within. Finally, he had found her alive and they would be together once again.

… but the dark reality all came swirling violently back into play. Kamri smothered his ambition as she twisted his arm and tossed him down hard across the wet steel surface. Elu slid across the elevated barrier, stopping just short of the edge. He peered over the side as his sight meet with a pit of furious Kazdruk, each one grasping toward him. Kamri looked down at him, licking her glossy lips. Not a drop of remorse fell over Kamri, only pure hatred and bloodlust.   

“Get up you fool!” she yelled, twirling her staff and smiling at his weak display.

Elu backed away from the edge and rose to his feet, raising his silver sword up into guard position.

“Kamri, no! What are you doing! Come with me, please! Let us flee this wretched place!…What happened to you? What have they done to you!”

Kamri glared at the southern elf and made her way across the steel towards Elu. She watched him in fury letting her lip curl upward in pride.  

“They’ve shown me the value of darkness.”

“Lies, Kamri! You’ve been spellbound! They destroyed our villages and slaughtered our loved ones. They captured you against your own will!” Elu spat out in disbelief.

“I wasn’t captured Elu. No, I was merely… liberated. Set free to peruse what every being truly desires. Don’t you understand? The elvish houses are weak and the humans are in shambles.  They’ve shown me the path and given me true reason. The weak will perish, the strong will conquer and we will march across their shallow graves!”

Elu shook his head slowly. “No…Please, they’ve done something to you Kamri, they messed with your head. This isn’t you; can’t you see this? We can reverse it! Please, just give me a chance! Come with me…”  

Kamri ignored his pleas, giving into only the fire of combat that raged through her veins. “Join us, Elu, or I’ll strike you down like the rest! Evolution has no room for the weak.” Kamri pronounced aggressively and slashed her staff outward toward Elu.

Elu locked the strike with his blade. It was at that moment that he knew there was no turning her back.

Kamri, his long lost love, was now the enemy.

Geem and his men crept through the dark catedral. The fortress was eerily quiet, save the soft pattering of rain and wind mixed with the bloody conflict unraveling hundreds of meters below. Their elvish eyes scanned across the coal shadows. Flickering candles casted wavy faux movements down the dark hallways. Ornate, crimson banners hung from the slate colored stone walls. Geem looked at the aggressively inlaid Kazdruk insignia that trickled across the blood red flags.

“Where is everyone?” Ridlei whispered out.

“Aye, I don’t like this,“  Neill returned.

“We’re pretty high in this spire; perhaps most of the personnel are lower. But keep your eyes open. We only have brief info to work with. Our scouts reported that prisoners of higher rank are held higher up in the spire,” Geem spoke, shifting his eyes side to side and gripping his hilt tightly. The men searched the upper levels for what seemed like an eternity. Back and forth, they moved looking for stairs, doors or prison cells. Not a single demon or prisoner was found. Only seemingly endless corridors of stone, empty cells and candles.

“We’re wasting time, Geem! I believe we need to get higher,” Ridlei spoke.

Geem nodded. “Right, lets move higher. Everyone back out to the balcony! We’ll take our ropes and launch them higher.”

The group snuck back through the dark winding labyrinth, making their way to the entrance from which they came in from. When the large doorway came into view, the five men made a dash for it.

All five came to a grinding halt when a large demoness suddenly appeared in the doorway. Silhouetted against the dark granite sky, Luzella stood like an impenetrable wall. Blocking the only way in or out, the strong ominous Kazdruk pulled a person out of the shadows into view. A shard of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the female elf being held captive by Luzella. She cried out for Geem.

“Aveyln!” Geem screamed and quickly ran after her. Luzella and Avelyn backed out the doorway onto the roofless, stone turret tower. The cold rain splashed across the two as the muscular demon held her tightly by her neck. Avelyn stood chained at her ankles and wrists. Luzella pushed her to the wet stone and heaved her halberd up.  

“This is what you want, isn’t it, Geem?” She mocked the elves, pointing down at Avelyn who was now struggling to get back to her feet. She rolled across the wet surface, struggling to break free from her shackles. Avelyn finally propped herself onto her side, watching on in horror.

“Kiyler!” Avelyn shouted.  

  “Geem, we need to find the Queen! That is our top priority!” Ridlei spoke out.

“Go! Find the Queen. I’ll settle this once and for all,” Geem yelled to his men, bringing his silver sword into view.

The four men hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave their commander behind.

“Geem! You swore your oath! For King and Country! For House and Queen!  Goddess Eletha and the people of Wayyel! United the houses wi-” Ridlei trailed off.   

“I siad go! That’s an order!” Geem shouted, cutting him off and pointing upward.  

The four sneared in anger but followed his orders, turning to scale the stone wall without their ropes or commander.

“Aww, how noble, Kiyler,” Luzella laughed, ignoring the other elves as they made their way upward. She began to walk the outer perimeter of the circular stone turret, leaving Avelyn on the ground in the middle. She circled Geem slowly, waving her massive axe side to side.

Heavy rain fell across Geem’s face as he held his blade with both hands. He rotated with Luzella, cautiously keeping his crystal blue eyes on her.

“No man will be able to satisfy your precious Avelyn after i’m through with her, Geem,” Luzella snickered. Her white eyes narrowed watching and reading the elvish commander. Geem sneared in pure anger; the thought of the Kazdruk beast raping his fiancée agian cut like a knife, but he tried to keep his cool. He knew anger would not help. He would have to stay calm and collected to defeat Luzella. The two circled around waiting for the other to launch their first strike.  

Kamri launched a vicious salvo of strikes against Elu. The clang of steel rang out over the conflict that was spilling out only mere feet below them. Elu pushed back, swinging his tired arms towards her. He slashed with his blade, trying to break up Kamri’s attacks.

The two swirled around the steel bridge, hacking and slicing at one another. Kamri moved in closer, throwing Elu off guard. She pushed him with her staff, shoving him hard into a massive vertical stabilizer that jutted upward out of the structure. Pinning him against the cold steel, Kamri lunged forward, sinking her sharp canines into his neck. Elu screamed in agony as blood spilled from his neck. Kamri’s eyes flickered in pleasure as his warm blood erupted in her mouth, the taste of hot iron drove her wild, quenching her lust for blood. Elu tried pushing her off as she was lost in blind bloodlust; she moaned in defiance, not wanting to pull off her twisted source of provision. Elu finally kicked her back, snapping her out of her feeding frenzy.

Raising her staff back up, Kamri smiled in delight. Fresh thick blood lay smeared across her lips, chin, and chest.

  “I can taste the weakness in you Elu; the generations of weakness in you and your decrepit kind.”

Elu swung out in fear now; he stumbled with clumsy, uncontrolled swings. Kamri simply dodged them, eyeing the man down in supremacy. Elu pushed forward and launched a low strike towards her leg. His body now faltering and weak, Kamri chipped the sluggish strike off to the side and knocked Elu’s sword out of his hand in the process. In one smooth motion, she spun her staff around before driving in straight into Elu’s solar plexus. Her staff pierced through him before punching into the vertical steel beam behind him. Elu gasped in silent misery. His mouth fell agape and his hands wrapped around the bloodsoaked Kazdruk weapon that now left him skewered to the cold wall. Kamri warped her clawed gauntlet around Elu’s head and pulled herself closer.

Blood began to trickle from Elu’s mouth as his eyes began to slowly fade.

“You were a fool to come here. You confused bravery with fatuity, and that was your undoing. Such a waste…” Kamri spoke smoothly before running her tongue across his neck, lapping up the fresh treasure trove of blood.

“You were always a push over and too frail for me anyway, Elu,” Kamri smiled tenderly. Holding Elu’s heavy head, she pulled his hair back. Kamri leaned in, and softly kissed him across his bloody lips. She shifted her tongue across his one last time while moaning in euphoria.

”Good night, Elu,” she finally whispered into his pointed ear.

  In a crazed mix of sexual ferocity she severed his head off with her talon like gauntlets. Holding his long locks tightly, Elu’s head swung like pendulum. She looked over the dying conflict in amusement. Only a wave of Kazdruk remained roaring in triumph. The Kazdruk woman removed her sharp staff. Elu’s body slumped to the steel barrier followed by a wave of blood. Kamri rose Elu’s head over the dark battlefield and the Kazdruk battle cries grew louder at her sight. Shocks of warm heat drove through Kamri’s entire body, down her legs and through her toes. It was the final torrent of pure malevolence and corruption surging through her body.

Her metamorphosis was complete.

The Elven Queen stood at the top of the Spire, looking at the conflict below. Not much could be made of the tiny Kazdruk and elf figures, barely visible in the rain and heavy mist. There was no real way to discern who was winning, but the faint sounds of the clashing of steel and screams from both sides were enough for Aria to know it was a brutal fight.

“Enjoying the show?”

Yuldasha’s sultry voice caught Aria’s attention. The sorceress walked softly, hooves clicking on the smooth floor as she approached Aria.

“Your people are there. Fighting.. and dying.. for you. Just to get you back. Their precious, beloved Queen. It’s adorable…” Yuldasha grinned, placing a hand on Aria’s shoulder. The Queen looked as pure and innocent as ever in her white garments. Her makeup and hair immaculate and her skin smooth and unblemished. Only a the dark pulsating crown on her head showing any sign of the depravity she went through. Aria glanced up behind her, icy blue eyes staring up at the Kazdruk leader towering over her. Aria closed her eyes, bowing her head.

“They’re fools… they shouldn’t have come. Not for me. So many will die.”

Yuldasha smiled and moved in front of Aria, brushing her hand over the queen’s face, almost lovingly.

“My dear Queen. There is one common rule across the universe, from Kazdruk to elf to human. The masses are weak. They don’t just need the strong hand of the few to guide them, they desire it. They want nothing more than to be given purpose by those of us with the will to do so. All Kazdruk in this realm live and die by my command. That is their purpose. They are pawns to be guided.” Yuldasha’s hand caressed Aria’s cheek and stroked her hair slowly as she spoke, weaving her words in with her movements.

“Just as your people are yours. You do not serve them, Aria. You never have. They serve you. Their lives belong to you.”

Aria sighed softly at the sorceress’ touch. Yuldasha’s words seemed to make perfect sense. Her people did need her. It was only right that they give their lives for her. Yuldasha was right… the Master is always right.

“Yes… it’s… it’s for the greater good… I can… help my people. I can make them understand… they won’t have to suffer. There can be peace.” Aria reasoned with herself, with the pure, empathetic side that remained within her.

Yuldasha smiled and turned to walk over to her throne, beckoning the Queen to follow. She sat, gazing at Aria as she approached the throne.

“I asked you before if you would help me in an important matter, and time is of the essence. Your people will arrive shortly.” The sorceress parted her legs, letting dark Kazdruk magic materialize her intimidating member. With a grin, she ran her hand along her freshly summoned cock. It rapidly hardened and stood erect and proud. Aria watched, her corrupted libido already making her flushed at the sight.

Yuldasha’s emerald eyes glanced at her own cock, and then at Aria.

“Come, little Queen.” The sorceress patted her lap.

“Now, master? But my people…”

“Dear Aria, surely you do not need another lesson on why I shouldn’t be questioned, hm? Yes. Now.”

Aria nodded. Yuldasha’s command seemed only to arouse her more. The once proud and pure queen stripped off her top and thong without another word and climbed atop the waiting sorceress. She let out a quiet moan as she guided the tip of Yuldasha’s horsecock to her moist pussy, lowering herself onto it.


Luzella broke the circle and charged towards Geem. She quickly enclosed on the smaller elvish man. The demonic brute came down hard with her massive halberd forcing Geem to dive out of the way before the Kazdruk steel pulverized the stone deck. The strong hit sent up sparks, gravel, and pulverized chips of stone in all directions. Geem rolled back up to his feet and quickly charged Luzella as she was busy reseting her long axe. The amazonian smiled and backhanded him hard across his face before he had a chance to raise his sword. The solid impact sent him flying backward hard into the wall of the spire. Luzella pulled her halberd up and rested it over her shoulder like a lumberjack. Slowly, she walked towards Geem. As she got closer, her towering build casted a shadow over the fallen elf.

“This is what they sent to rescue the Queen?” Luzella laughed.

Geem scrambled to get back to his feet, but had his legs kicked out from under him as quickly as he got up. The elvish soldier tumbled back to the ground hard, holding his knee in pain. Luzella walked towards him again.

“The way you elves struggle is what I find most gratifying… The way you crawl like wounded lamb, waiting for the inevitable strike of a hungry predator. Look here, an elvish knight of such immeasurable caliber, such grand virtue and gleaming prestige can’t even get to his feet,” Luzella declared softly, now stepping over him, resting her powerful hooves on either side of his torso. She looked down at her victim, smiling a brash grin.  

“You will die today, Kiyler Geem!”

Geem shifted back and forth quickly, kicking and slipping on the wet surface in an attempt to crawl away on his back. Luzella followed him slowly, towering over him.

“Avelyn will be my little bitch, on her knees beside me like a trained Keeat. She’ll pleasure me every night as your elven houses burn to cinders around us. I will make sure Avelyn polishes your skull everyday, as it will be centred in my trophy case surrounded by the severed heads of everyone you ever loved. ” Luzella spat with a hint of venom before she brought her axe down hard again.  

24Spire battle

  Geem moved his torso sideways, just barely dodging her assault. He got back to his feet, and quickly ran straight towards Luzella, plowing into her in blind anger. He tackled the heavy amazon like a human spear, causing both to drop their weapons. The hard lunge knocked Luzella backward and the two feel to the soaked stone surface.

Luzella grinned on her back, looking upward through the downpour of rain, amused at the sudden outburst. Geem pinned her and opened up in a tempest of rage and furor. He launched punches and strikes towards the amazon. Luzella held her wrists up deflecting most of his punches.   

“Atta boy, Geem! Fight me like a man, get your prude little hands dirty!”

Geem clutched both his fists together, rose them high over his head, and slammed down to try and break Luzella’s iron block. The wild swing had no effect on the amazon; she only returned a soft smile before headbutting him hard in the face and breaking his nose. She grabbed his torso and tossed him off to the side like a child. Geem slid across the slick stone, tumbling over before rising to his feet dazed, blood pouring from his face. With his sword on the other side of the turret, he reached down and pulled out his combat dagger. Luzella was already closing the distance; she didn’t bother grabbing her halberd on the way. The amazon was out for blood. She wanted Geem’s head and she would rip it off with her bare hands if she had to. She swiftly enclosed on Geem and threw a right hook with her entire bodyweight behind it. Geem ducked quickly in fear and Luzella’s fist smashed into the Kazdruk stone behind him. Small chunks of stone wall crumbled to the ground.

“Hold still you little maggot!“ Luzella swung around tossing another jab at Geem. The elf quickly dodged the strike and came up quickly slashing outward with his dagger. He scored a hit, but the blade slashed across her chest armor. The elvish man followed through with a second slash. This time Luzella was ready. The amazonian demon was heavy but she wasn’t slow. She caught his wrist, breaking the slash’s forward movement. She crushed his wrist and lifted him by his arm causing Geem’s feet to come off the ground. Dangling and kicking, he struggled to find the ground beneath him. As Geem dangled helplessly, the amazon punched him relentlessly in his face and chest region. Each punch railed into the elf like a ramrod.   

“I’ll gonna rip you limb from limb, little man,” Luzella smiled in maddened delight. “I’m going to make sure your screams reach Wayyel.”

Luzella crushed Geem’s wrist harder and squeezed out a cry of pain. The elvish soldier dropped his dagger in response and Luzella caught it with her free hand. In one smooth volley, she drove his own dagger through Geem’s hand, pinning it to the Spire wall. Luzella flashed her teeth and let go, letting Geem’s body fall. Suspended by only the dagger in his hand, Geem gritted his teeth, grunting in unbearable, seering pain. His boots kicked back and forth a foot above the ground. Helplessly, he tried everything to take his own weight off the blade. He reached upward and tried to remove the dagger but was meet with another punch to his face.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Luzella mocked.” You aren’t going anywhere. We’re just starting to have some fun.”

Avelyn watched on in horror. She struggled in her tangled mess of heavy chains to get to her feet and try helping. She dragged herself across the wet stone toward Luzella. She moved as quickly as she could while Luzella was distracted. On her way over, Avelyn lifted Geem’s sword with her shackled hands and kept moving toward the two.

  Luzella warped her right hand around Geem’s neck and slowly squeezed, cutting off his supply of air.  “There’s so many ways to kill your rodent kin, all of them pleasurable. But I think i’ll play with you some first and watch your weak body struggle as your pretty face turns blue.”

Geem kicked trying to break free. Avelyn came up along the demon’s side and quickly jabbed inward at the side of her stomach.

“What the-“

Luzella spun slightly at the last minute, deflecting the blade downward. Avelyn was met with a hard elbow to her face and fell backward in the entanglement of her chains. Geem took the moment to reach up and pull the knife from his hand. He dropped himself back to the ground, splashing up rain water. Without wasting a second, he charged Luzella, driving the blade between the spacing in her chest armor. The blade glided upward, stabbing under her collar bone.  Luzella’s eyes shot open wide in fatal surprise. Geem pushed into her with all his weight. The amazon roared out in pain as the silver blade pierced her skin and sank deep into her flesh. She backpedaled while slowly falling backward. Geem didn’t let up and continued pushing into her. Further and further the two moved back, until the two reached the spire’s edge. Luzella howled in protest as she was unable to stop her backward momentum. Her top-heavy build teetered over the cliff like stone edge. With every last bit of temper fueled strength Geem pushed.

“Rot in hell, you bitch!” Geem spat as he twisted the dagger hilt and kicked Luzella over the side of spire. The colossal Kazdruk disappeared over the edge. She fell, wailing far into the rainy mist until her bellows fell silent.

Geem feel backward in exhaustion laying on his back. His face bloodied and bruised, he clutched his damaged hand as the cold rain enveloped him. His chest heaved up and down heavily in raspy short strokes. Avelyn dragged herself to his side. Neither said any words, they only held each other tightly for a few minutes.

“ I knew you’d come back for me, Kiyler,” Aveyln smiled.

Aria slid down Yuldasha’s meaty cock in a sigh of pleasure. She moaned softly as the Kazdruk member stretched her lips. Yuldasha ran her hands along the Queen’s soft hips, pulling her down tightly. In a twisted flagitious manner the demoness smiled as the elven Queen started to grind onto her with her own free will. Destructive Kazdruk magic flowed like a black waterfall, tingling through Aria’s fingertips and running down her spine. She screamed in corrupt alleviation, feeding into her own avidity and satisfaction. Her elvish allegiance ceased to exist as the longing and persuasive stygian lust overpowered her.

Aria’s icy eyes glazed over in pure pleasure. She wanted one thing now and one thing only – Yuldasha’s seed. Aria’s alabaster breasts bounced as she grabbed the back of the Kazdruk throne and rocked her body faster and faster. Yuldasha grinned at the Queen’s eagerness and brushed her plump lips across the elf’s nipple. She suckled on her blush tit before softly biting. Aria moaned out louder, letting herself indulge in the nebulous act. Ionized cobalt sparks crackled across the floor around the chamber. As Aria rod her master’s member faster, the blots arced out further.

“Aria, I have an important task for you,” Yuldasha spoke out between thrusts.

Aria could hardly focus now. Her cerulean eyes rolled back in bliss. Feebly, she wrapped her arms around Yuldasha, pulling her twat across her thick shaft.

“Yes, YES! Master!” The Queen was hysterical. She couldn’t coherently form a thought to respond. Flashes of azure and vibrant whites erupted in Aria’s eyes as she mumbled in pleasure bringing herself to an intense orgasm.

“Don’t stop master! Don’t stop, please!” Aria pleaded. Yuldasha pulled back on the Queen’s long snowy hair, now thrusting harder into the elf’s tight cunt.

“I’m going to send you back to Wayyel… and with a nice going away present. How does that sound?” Yuldasha gritted through her teeth plowing into the northern elf.

Aria was too far gone at this point. Awashed in a torrent of euphoria and exaltation, the Queen only locked eyes with Yuldasha and gasped in nectarous rapture. Yuldasha’s serpentine eyes flared a brilliant fiery green. The eccentric elf became lost in Yuldasha’s gaze as the cobalt shards of conjury sparked up from the floor in a wild fire storm of lighting. The Kazdruk sorceress moaned out as her thick cock erupted deep inside the Queen of Wayyel. In sappy slavos, the balmy seed was pumped deep into Aria’s womb.

Impregnation of Queen Aria1

Aria’s delirium swirled into a serrated stupor. She looked onward past the back of Yuldasha’s stone throne. Lost in the afterglow, Aria focused on a pusleing vision that was slowly materializing before her. A swirling cobalt orb opened up violently, casting shards of     magical phosphorescent bolts in all directions. A harrowing revelation imploded forward in front of the Queen. Clear as glass, an image of Aria floated within the large orb, revealing the future. There she stood pregnant, bearing an unknown child.  Aria slowly rocked up and down, letting the wicked seed stir inside her. The moment of dark conception washed over Aria as thick globs of the white cum poured out. Yuldasha pulled the elf’s hips down as she sank her heavy memeber one last time.

“You’ll make an excellent mother,” Yuldasha smiled.  


Geem started trying to undue Avelyn’s chains. He smiled as he became lost in her deep emerald eyes. The lucid northern elf reached up and ran her hand across his smooth face. Adrift in love and finally reunited, the two locked lips. Kissing each other softly, Avelyn’s minty eyes suddenly shot open in panic.


Behind Geem, Luzella arose from the Spire ledge, knife still lodged in her upper chest. She leapt down and struck out. Geem turned, but it was too late. The broad demon battered Geem across his face. Like a lump of coal, Geem collapsed out cold. Luzella reached down and lifted him by his neck. She watched Avelyn scurry in hysteria. Before she could get far, the amazon pinned her to the ground under her hoof.

“There’s a reason I like to look into the eyes of my prey,”  Luzella spoke, shaking Geem’s lifeless body and letting his legs dangle in the wind. “Wake up! I want to look into yours while I crush the life out of you!” Luzella barked and slapped him hard across his face. Geem’s vision started to restore. He awoke to a blurry yet familiar Kazdruk smiling at him. He quickly started to panic when he fully regained consciousness.

“Atta boy.”

Geem struggled to free himself. The whole world started spinning as Luzella slowly crushed his neck. He feebly kicked and punched but he was much too weak. His powerless attempts to free himself faded as he hung on the edge of death.

Avelyn struggled under the amazon’s hoof in a last ditch effort to free herself, but the demon’s weight held her fast. Luzella’s face light up in delight as she tore Geem’s embedded dagger from herself. Holding the dying elf up high, she reached up with his dagger, letting the sharp tip rest on his sternum.

“Farwell Geem!”   

Avelyn wailed in protest underneath as she looked up at her fiancée’s final moments.

A jagged bolt of dark green energy streaked across the air, striking Luzella’s hand before she could inflict the final blow. The searing lime orb exploded, causing her to drop Geem and stumble backward. In a feverish frenzy of anger Luzella turned to view the person responsible for ruining her long sought after kill.

A slow clap emitted from close by, disturbing the intense moment.

Yuldasha stood there clapping, her face glowing full of amusement. She walked out into the rain followed closely by various Kazdruk officers, including Aeltha. A group of Kazdruk soldiers marched in close behind holding Geem’s entire captured team. The Kazdruk troops encircled Geem, Avelyn, and Luzella. Two of the Kazdruk moved in quickly and kicked Geem and Avelyn down to their knees.

Luzella picked up one of her fellow Kazdruk soldiers in furious irritation. “YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF -”

Yuldasha slowed her clapping to an obnoxiously slow mocking pace. “Temper, temper, Luzella. Drop him now!” Yuldasha ordered. Luzella gritted her canines in spite and dropped the soldier. She turned and marched toward Yuldasha demanding answers.

“You stripped me of my rightful kill! Why?” Luzella roared in anger now staring down at Yuldasha dominantly.

Yuldasha waved her hand lightly, blasting out another orb of malevolent magic. Arcs sparked across Luzella’s body like a web. The great demoness fell to her knees in barbed agony. Yuldasha walked past her as smoke bellowed off the ballista’s body. With her temper cooled and ego bruised, Luzella rose back to her hooves. Aeltha smiled at her silently, shaking her head side to side.    

“An Impressive feat, I must admit,” Yuldasha sneered walking towards the two elves. “Ladies and gentlemen, the great Kiyler Geem of Wayyel!” she continued. “I saw your little battle with Luzella here through my scrying orb… how awe-inspiring.” Yuldasha stopped at Geem’s side and placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “Trying to take down one of my most decorated soldiers single handedly? I suppose that’s almost admirable,” Yuldasha sneered. “But you came here uninvited, killed my soldiers, and tried stealing from me, Geem. And for that, you will pay dearly. Tell me, how many soldiers of mine did you kill getting here Geem? Hmm? One, Ten, Fifty? A hundred?”

Geem only coughed, still holding his neck.

“Speak boy!” Yuldasha snapped.

“I’m…I’m not sure,” Geem muttered out.     

“Wrong answer! You didn’t deny killing any. So, you take something from me, I take something from you, Mr. Geem.” Yuldasha nodded at a Kazdruk guard. He quickly brought forth Ridlei.

“No, please, take me instead!” Geem shouted.

Yuldasha paused for a moment considering the idea. Ridlei struggled in the guard’s grip and spat a wad of saliva towards Yuldasha, snapping the demoness out of thought. She looked at Ridlei in anger, then she turned her gaze towards the rest of Geem’s rag tag group. Raising her thin eyebrow in detest, she reached out with her hand. Vivid chartreuse flames ignited around the four captured warriors. Three Kazdruk guards became caught in the intense wash of green fire.

Yuldasha smirked in joviality as the congregation of elvish men and Kazdruk alike screamed out in agony. The men fell to the ground rolling in flames. Thier blood curdling screams turned to muffled gasps of oxygen deprived squeals. Yuldasha’s serpentine eyes flickered. The flames instnesfied reaching up skyward. The malicious matriarch extinguished only the jade flames encircling Ridlei. The rest of the men perished quickly in the Kazdruk hellfire. With her other hand, she raised Ridlei to the air, letting his dying charred body float softly in front of her. The elf moaned in pain as his skin flaked away, ashes spilling to the rain filled ground below.

“ So charming you elves are… part of me almost wants to keep you alive, so you may witness the eradication of your own kind, “ Yuldasha thought for a moment as the dying elf’s body continued to crumble apart like deeply charred wood. She shook her head, reached out and flicked the elf’s chest with her middle finger. The light tap shattered his petrified toso like a piece of brittle glass. Yuldasha turned to face Geem as Ridlei’s remains washed away in the heavy rain.    

“Aeltha, bring forth Queen Aria. If the Queen is what he came for, then the Queen is what he shall receive.”

“Yes, Master,” Aeltha responded and walked back inside. The crimson skin demoness returned shortly with Queen Aria.

Yuldasha looked at Geem and then slowly angled her face toward Avelyn while tightening her lips into a crooked smile.

“You didn’t have to kill those men!” Geem yelled in outrage and his face red in hatred. He attempted to rise to his feet. Yuldasha reached out her palm, her fingertips sparking with green. Geem backed down in frustration, thinking better of it.

“That’s a good boy, Geem. I don’t think you’re fully appreciating my generous hospitality. By all rights I should have killed you a long ago or let Luzella here finish the job,” Yuldasha spoke, brushing flakes of Ridlei’s body off her skin in disgust. “You’re in luck, Geem. It would seem your frivolous and petty gods are shining down on you today. I’m going to let you walk away from this spire… alive. Not only will you leave with your life intact but I’m also giving you a choice.” The demoness drove her index finger square into his chest. “You may pick one and ONLY one. You may leave with Avelyn… or Queen Aria.”

Geem looked at her blankly, his face twisting to a sheet of disper. Then he turned to his Queen and then quickly to Avelyn. His heart ached as if it was dissolving in a pool of acid.

His job was to return the Queen home at all cost. It was his duty. His gaze slowly fell on Luzella who was now grinning in elation. He thought in disgust of what Luzella would do with Avelyn, making his decision far more difficult.      

“You wretched whore! You ask the impossible!” Geem exploded in anger.

Yuldasha smacked Geem across his face, knocking him over.

“Only impossible for a fool. Now make your decision!” she paused.  “… before I change my mind,” Yuldasha spat, igniting her blazing whip of aether.

Geem looked at Avelyn and his eyes began welling up with salty tears.

“I’m sorry,” he softly mouthed.

“I… I… choose… Aria,” Geem responded quietly, his voice cracking in uncertainty. “For House… and Queen,” he muttered, knowing the consequences if he were to return home without her.

“What was that elvish filth? Speak up!” Yuldasha ordered, lashing out with her whip.

“I choose Queen Aria!” Geem shouted looking straight at Yuldasha this time.

Avelyn’s face turned to horror laced with immense heartbreak.  

“Kiyler! How could you!”

Luzella’s grin curled upward in a wickedly destructive smile. Yuldasha followed with a smirk of her own as she turned away retracting her whip.

“Luzella, I believe Avelyn was your property? I stole your kill, the least I can do is return your slave. Take her away! she’s all yours!” Luzella smiled and hastily grabbed Avelyn.

“No! please! Kiyler! Don’t let her take me!” Avelyn struggled and screamed as Luzella apprehended her and began to drag her toward the Spire entrance. She gave up fighting as they passed Queen Aria. She looked over toward the Queen and the two made eye contact. Aria’s eyes flashed a blizzardy icy blue-white and smiled venomously toward Avelyn. Her eyes quickly flickered back to normal before anyone noticed.

Yuldasha turned towards the Elvish Queen. She leaned into her pointed ear ans whispered, “Farewell, Queen Aria, we will certainly be in touch,” patting Aria softly on her stomach.

Aria approached Geem with a fictitious forced smile although still carrying herself with royalty.

“Thank you, Geem; your service to your people and house Wayyel shall never be forgotten. You are a true hero.”

Geem remained silent knowing he betrayed his love leaving her in the hands of Luzella. He only nodded and sheathed his sword.

“Well, Queen Aira and Geem, it has been a pleasure. I have ordered my troops to stand down. You’re free to leave. Take your remaining dilapidated troops with you. We will provide you with horses. My scouts have reported that a few of your ships are still ashore. Take your rotting vessels and leave.”

“Why are you letting us go, why not lock us up like the rest? Why did you save me? Why did you even capture our Queen?” Geem asked.

Yuldasha smiled. “You ask too many questions, boy; I simply have no use for her anymore and I need you to relay a message to your king. Tell him we’re coming. Soon your land will be set ablaze and your rivers will flow strong with blood.”    

“But that doesn’t make any-”

“Goodbye Mr. Geem!” Yuldasha spat harshly, cutting him off. She turned her back on him and returned to the spire. Sorceress Aeltha smirked at the two, before leading her hand outward towards the Spire entrance.

“If you would follow me, I’ll show you the way out.”

Spire of Torment. Chapter 23 : Loose Chains & Tight Knots

By: Lucien

“… yes, but Master Yuldasha! Our scouts report that the elves are even closer than before! Are you sure you don’t want us to intervene now?” the stocky Kazdruk spoke sternly.

Yuldasha glared at the Talon commander before lashing out with an aether whip, wrapping it around his throat.

“Hmmm, are you questioning my orders, commander?” Yuldasha hissed, moving closer.

“No…no of course not, Master!” The Kazdruk winced in pain as the whip began to burn into his thick, muscular neck. The blistering sizzle and popping of his flesh pierced through the silent chamber.

Luzella, along with the other Talon commanders, watched on in amusement. Luzella’s lush lips puckered in a slight smile. Smugly, she watched the insubordination, silently hoping her master would sever his head clean off.

Yuldasha rested the whip for a few moments, letting the cable sink deeper into the demon’s neck. Smoke bellowed out as the aether magic cauterized his leathery skin. The Kazdruk’s knees wobbled and his eyes flinched as the searing pain became unbearable. Smiling in twisted delight, Yuldasha slowly lowered the whip off him. “You all have your orders. Allow these tenacious elves to come forth. Not all of them, but some. They will be after the elvish Queen. If they continue with their predictable movements, I estimate they will attack tomorrow. Move all of your troops to your designated sections – am I understood?”

The surrounding Talon leaders brought their fists hard against their chests and yelled in unison. “Hail Yuldasha!”

“You are all dismissed,” she directed. The Talon leaders turned and left.

Aeltha made her way into Yuldasha’s chamber slowly. Her smooth gait flickered the rows of violet candles as she brushed by. She stopped before giving a shallow bow to Yuldasha.

Yuldasha sat in her throne, her eyes flickering with a hint of indignation. Watching Aeltha closely, she slowly tapped her sharp nails across the stone handrest.

“Good evening, Master,” Aeltha purred.

“Save the formalities, Aeltha,” Yuldasha snapped, rising to her hooves.

Aeltha swallowed hard. A tingle of fear ran down between her shoulder blades.

“Tell me, Aeltha; how is the campaign fairing to the East?”

Aeltha froze for a moment before responding.

“It goes well, Master.”

“Indeed it does…” Yuldasha turned, walking out onto her balcony high above the spire. She looked over the railing, out across the brilliant night sky.

“Gaze upon those stars, Aeltha. Look at how each star floats among the heavens. Each orb is its own separate entity.”

Aeltha followed her Master, gazing at the fine dots of fire among the heavens.   

Yuldasha glanced down at the sorceress before turning her gaze to the moon, “ They twinkle as a unified tapestry of power. Most importantly though Aeltha – they never lose track of the moon.

“Is there anything you wish to inform me about, Aeltha?”

“No, Master. Everything is going as planned…”

Yuldasha suddenly turned in anger, grappling Aeltha’s neck.

Who’s plan? You play me as a fool, sorceress? ”

Jade flames erupted along Yuldasha’s arms as she brought Aeltha to her knees. The crackling of flames reflecting off Yuldahsa’s angered face.

“Tell me, Aeltha – who is this Harbinger? This…Baroness… This Succubus?“ Yuldasha sizzled. “Perhaps your work has gone too far sorceress…hmm?”

Yuldasha ran her finger along Aeltha’s neck, stroking her soft red skin. Aeltha opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Yuldasha as she placed her hand firmly over the sorceress’s mouth, nodding her finger side to side.

“You made the perfect soldier, perhaps too perfect…you’ve lost control of her, haven’t you! But you’re too proud to admit it…” Yuldasha spoke arrogantly. She bent over, letting her breasts heave forward, almost spilling out of her top. Yuldasha brought her face close to Aeltha’s. The Kazdruk queen’s green serpent eyes glowed vibrantly as she gazed into Aeltha’s own.

“You’ve run your chain with too much slack, sorceress. You’ve lost control of the one named Lillium! Your creature!” Yuldasha snapped, her hand still smothering any excuse Aeltha might offer.

“You need not answer that question, for the answer is already obvious. Aeltha, dearest… I don’t enjoy having things out of my control. This Lillium of yours is becoming a risk. Helots are abandoning posts, the blood Cult of Morkate has rekindled. Who knows what she’ll do next? She’s stretching her wings a bit too far; she needs to be put back in her place!” Yuldasha paused for a moment, gliding her fingers across Aeltha’s collarbone. “You’re one my most paramount assets, Aeltha. I’ll give you one chance to rectify this situation before it unravels out of control any further. Bring this Lillium before me; let me gaze upon her enticing flesh in person. I think we need a talk.”

Aeltha nodded without saying a word. Yuldasha smiled, unfastening the thin fabric across her hips and exposing her soft pussy lips before Aeltha’s face.

“As for you, Aeltha, prove to me your continued allegiance,” Yuldasha purred.

Aeltha looked up willingly, nuzzling her lips against her master’s velvet cunt. Yuldasha’s eyes

fluttered in euphoric bliss as the sorceress’ lapped at her master’s clit. Running her fingers through Aeltha’s black hair, Yuldasha moaned in approval letting the sorceress’ head bob back and forth softly under the light of the milky moon.


Elu and Geem crept around the south side of the spire, trailed by a small force of elves.

They could make out faint torch lights along the spire’s perimeter. The massive beacon of torment and depravity jutted skyward, high into the barren swirling sky.

The plan was simple – and suicidal. At daybreak, the remaining northern and southern elvish forces would storm the spire head-on while Geem and a select few would scale the side of the spire looking for the Queen. The plan was shoddy at best, but no one could think of an alternative.

Strangely enough, there was no signs of Kazdruk activity. Perhaps they didn’t worry about forces ever appearing this deep behind lines.

“I think it’s a trap,” Geem muttered. “Not a single godforsaken demon.”

“Perhaps most of them are past us, along the shores,” Elu shrugged.

“Maybe they’re sleeping?” another elf snickered.

Geem and Elu made absurd faces at the young soldier.

“The Kazdruk don’t sleep. They only rape and pillage… and murder…” Geem responded.

The young elf frowned at their grimness. He, along with his brethren, could very well die tomorrow morning. A cold breeze swept across the arid desert, further decimating hope.

“Are the others in place?” Geem questioned.

“Aye, the teams are ready, sir,” Elu spoke.

“Good. We wait until sunrise then. Get rest, everyone.” Geem paused for a moment looking to the stars. He closed his eyes, placing his thumb across his forehead.  “May Eletha shine down on us.”  




Kamri swung hard and precise, her muscles twisting along her arms as she brought her staff down hard. Her movements fluid, yet striking like stone. Looking over her armored plated shoulder, she noticed Brazeek and his ragtag posse assembling around the fighting circle.

“Shit, not these guys again…” Kamri whispered under her breath. Pausing, she brought her staff to her side, annoyed by the interruption.

Brazeek entered the fighting pit with Kamri. His men circled around the pit, eyeing her in hunger and vile appetency.

“Looking to play again, huh Brazeek?” Kamri smiled.

Brazeek smirked as he got closer. His scarred face and lip remained silent, shrouding his true intentions.  

“What’s the matter? You need a whole group to take me now? You must be pretty desperate.”

Brazeek looked slightly embarrassed as he came within torch light view. He wasn’t carrying himself with his usual bully-like disposition, something was off.

“K-Kamriii Riiight?” the large Kazdruk chuckled.

Kamri nodded. Ready to fight, her orange eyes glowed like cinders in the low spire light.

“I’m…uhhh…errr…” Brazeek began to fumble over his words, his memory relaying the painful encounter he had with her a few nights back.  Kamri looked on puzzled for a moment, slightly relaxing her form.

“Well, what is it? You want a piece of me or what?” Kamri sneared.

Brazeek looked over his shoulder at the others then back at her.

“ I…I want…wannnt you tooo join my Talon! Fight alongside me and my brethren tomorrow!”

Her eyes opened wide in amusement, unsure if she heard him correctly. She didn’t know what to say.

“…what did you just say?” Kamri smiled, holding back nervous laughter.  

“Join my Talon! “ Brazeek spoke again, this time saluting his fist to his large chest.

Kamri thought for a moment. His question completely caught her off guard. It surely was not what she was expecting. If he was sincere – which she doubted – he could be a useful asset up against both Jelthra and Luzella. Besides, she craved battle, she craved blood along her lips. She had nothing to lose and only respect and honor to gain.

“Alight, Brazeek. I’ll join your Talon,” Kamri spoke raising her staff.

Brazeek laughed out.

” Gooood! good! join us then! Let us dine in the great hall!”

Brazeek’s face light up with joy. Some of his other talon members cheered along.

Kamri smirked in uneasiness, still not trusting any of them. She kept her guard up but decided to join them.    

The group left the fighting pit, making their way towards the mess hall and down the dark coiling corridors. One of the talon members approached Kamri from behind, awing over her firm athletic ass as she walked beside Brazeek. The member reached out to fondle her smooth rear. Kamri spun around quickly, grabbing his wrist before twisting it awkwardly. He fell forward into Kamri’s awaiting strike. Her elbow connected with his nose in a hard crunch, breaking bone and cartilage. The soldier emitted a canine like cry as a torrent of fresh blood spilled down his face and chest. Kamri finished by kicking out the side of his knee cap. The demon growled out in misery as he crumbled to the ground. She leapt down and straddled him, pinning him to the ground. She reached down under his leather battle skirt, clutching his balls hard. The demon’s face winced in agony as he tried crawling out from under her.  

The other Kazdruk didn’t intervene.They only watched on in a mix of awe and fear.

“Let me make one thing clear, any of you try to touch me without my ok, I’ll sever your balls off and feed them to the Keeats. Then, in your sleep, while you’re mending your lack of manhood, I’ll slit your fucking throat and let you slowly drown in your own blood.” Kamri spat glaring at the members, her eyes burning with rage.

Some of the Kazdruk backed away nodding in fear, not wanting any trouble, others cheered her on, and still others laughed at the beaten talon member. Brazeek chuckled hard extending his hand, offering to help Kamri up. Kamri took his hand as he pulled her back to her feet. The two grinned at each other mischievously before moving to the mess hall.


Cazel raced to her feet in terror as ember eyes enclosed on her. Her boots carried her quickly across the granite like cave floor. Gold hair swung side to side as she frantically searched for a way out. With deep raspy breaths she ran, only to find another wall of feral beasts emerging from the cavernous shadows. Cazel covered her shriek with her leather glove as she stared in horror at the abominations. They had a familiar look but still somehow different. Wolves… she thought to herself. But something was off about them. They looked malevolent as if they had arrived with the Kazdruk invasion. Some were much larger than normal wolves. Long hawks of discolored hair ran up between their long, twisting horns. Cazel had never seen wolf breeds like this, nor had she ever heard of them. Surely a creature of this stature would be spoken of by hunter or woodsman a like, or at least rumored of in every rum soaked tavern across DelHelshan. Her pupils dilated at the shocking realization. The creatures looked like a godforsaken mix of Keeat and wolf.

A group of the hellish wolves snarled towards Cazel as their hair along their backs began to rise in aggression. Cazel slowly moved backward, unsheathing her steel dagger and keeping her frosted blue eyes on them. She didn’t want to make any sudden movements. Cazel’s heart pounded faster as she heard a distinctively deeper growl come from behind. The small pack in front of her suddenly lowered their bushy tails and scurred backward away from her. Turning around slowly, she rested her eyes upon the alpha of the cave system. There was no mistaking it. He appeared almost twice the size of the others. Cazel trembled in fear and started to back away. She couldn’t help by notice his growing cock between his furry hind legs.  

The beast lashed out, horns first and without warning. It’s sharp canines snapped at the air. Cazel ducked backward, slashing outward with her steel dagger. Before she could regain herself, the animal was already circling around, snapping at her leg. The elf twisted, cutting her dagger out again. The steel missed, slicing the thick cave air. A tear rang out as the behemoth wolf ripped apart the backing of her clothing. Shreds of linen and leather flayed off. Cazel was quickly knocked to the ground by a heavy paw. The hit sent her dagger tumbling across the cave floor before bouncing into the abyss of a chasm.

Rolling to her stomach, she kneeled to stand back up. Before the elf could return to her feet, the lumbering beast tore at her leather trousers. Cazel kicked backward as her soft ass cheeks became exposed. The wolf continued, shredding the entire hip region of her pants off. Weighty paws pushed her back down as the creature drove his cold muzzle between her elvish cheeks. With a snarl it tore her thong from her ass before mounting her. Cazel trembled under the great wolf as it laid his paws across her shoulders. Shivers drove up her spine as the beast growled softly next to her pointed ears.

Cazel let out a gasp as the beast pushed his precum soaked cock against her exposed cunt.

With hard thrusts forward, the meaty member pushed into her nether lips and stretching the tiny entrance. Cazel gripped the cavern floor as the veiny cock forced its way deep into her tight twat. More wolves gathered around, sniffing the mating in the air. Each beast’s erected cocks dangled, spilling precum across the granite in anticipation. Cazel arched her back, taking the alpha’s cock deep inside her. Cazel whimpered in a mix of fear and taboo pleasure. He humped his mate, locking his hind leg over her hip and bucking wildly into her. In crazed lust the wolf panted, letting his engorged cock pump in and out of the elf’s pussy. Juices and strands of thin cum pattered across the ground, mixed with the grunting and soft moans of the northern elf.

Cazel gasped in horror as the wolf’s knot filled her tight cunt, locking her in place. She attempted to pull herself off his member, but the engorged knot base fastened her to him. Cazel bit her bottom lip as his cock pulled on her constricted walls. The animal’s heavy rhythm slowed as he began dumping hot thick loads of cum deep inside her. The shy elf moaned softly as she felt her insides filling with hot batter.

23 Cazel pack

Groaning echoed off the cave walls as load after load was pumped into her. Copious amounts began to overflow, squeezing past the knot and spilling to the cold floor. The satisfied wolf finished with his mate and started to dismount. The thick expanding knot remained locked inside Cazel’s tight cunt, trapping the massive load inside. The beast nonchalantly began to walk away as his engorged shaft pulled at her cunt wall. The wide knot refused to budge and began pulling Cazel along with him. The elf kicked and squirmed as she was dragged along behind her new canine master. Deeper into the cave system they went, sliding across the slick rock cave floor by her clasped pussy lips. The alpha dragged the elf into his den before curling into a ball. He laid contently in his lair with his new found bitch firmly secured to his cock, with his hot cum stirring inside her. The remaining wolves stood around the den, waiting patiently for their alpha’s knot to release his prize.



Neicul watched the two elves make love. Their elvish skin intertwined rolling across the bed. Smooth hands groped at each other, long elegant fingers ran across one of their breasts while the other’s tugged at their long hair. Neicul grinned at the flashes of milk and caramel colored skin revealed only by flickering candle light. The fawn skinned elf let her head fall back, her dark scarlet hair cascaded across the cozy pillow in red waves. Her partner suckled softy on her neck, letting her delicate porcelain fingers explore south of her navel.

Suddenly, the tan elf’s violet eyes peered narrowly towards Neicul’s position, her face of pleasure disappeared not into fear, but anger. Without a second of hesitation the elf reached for the bedside-table, bringing up a throwing knife in one smooth motion. The knife cut through the night air before lodging into Neicul’s right arm bracer. The armor plate became pinned to the door jam. For a moment Neicul couldn’t move or unsheathe his own dagger; by time he figured out what the hell happened, the elves were enclosing. He reached up and pulled out the knife pinning his arm. Neicul was meet with a hard kick across his face. He spun, bringing himself upward releasing one of his knives in a blind horizontal slash. In shock, his knife strike was blocked by another knife. Following through he unsheathed his second dagger. All three danced in the middle of the cabin room. They twirled a ballet of fury and sharp steel. Sparks and clangs rang out as arms crossed over others. Slashes were canceled out. Parries and deflections rolled into combinations of blocks and buffered strikes.

Neicul backed away in confusion as he failed to land a single knife strike, all while the two elvish woman kept him on his toes and slashed towards him. The lighter of the two struck out at him stabbing through the air. Neicul ducked out of the way as the darker elf caught her dagger in his chest. The elvish steel ripped through his armor and pierced his flesh, sinking into his pectoral region.The Kazdruk growled in pain as the lighter of the duo followed up, kicking him through the window. The elvish glass shattered as Neicul’s body launched out of the house. He fell two stories, landing hard on his back into a cloud of fresh snow. The two watched from the window as the Kazdruk limped away into the blizzard filled darkness, a trail of fresh blood sprinkling into the snow behind him.    

Spire of Torment. Chapter 22 : Perversion of Royalty

By: Lucien

The heavy wood door closed behind Luzella as she returned to her personal chamber. She strolled in like a beast returning to its den after a rewarding hunt. The amazon glared across her dimly lit enclosure. Each hoof clicked along the stone tile floor as she entered deeper into her domain. Fiery candles flickered across her muscular build as she made her way towards her newest prize. Avelyn squatted in her small cell, peering up through the heavy steel bars. Luzella marched to the cell, grinning. She stopped in front, her hands resting on her hips, sneering downward at the northern elf. Avelyn cowered backward in fear as her back quickly pressed up against the cold wall. 

Avelyn wanted to hide; she wanted to close her eyes and pretend it was all a horrible dream. Luzella crouched, bringing her face closer to the steel bars until a few scant inches separated the two of them. She smiled at the hopelessness in Avelyn’s eyes. The amazon demon snarled before snapping her teeth outward at the terrified elf. Avelyn flinched in fear and jumped back as if Luzella would somehow magically pass through the steel gate. Luzella only smiled again, her sharp canines glimmering in the low light.

“Avelyn, you appeared so courageous out on the battlefield. What happened? Where is the heroic elf I saw before? The one who didn’t want to lay down her weapon?”

Avelyn refused to make eye contact, not wanting to answer. She knew this situation was much different. She was alone, unarmed, and not entirely sure how deep within the spire she was.

Luzella paced back and forth in front of the cell cage, whipping her tail as she spoke.

“Tell me more about…hmm…Geem, was it? Your ever passionate and courageous lover.”

“You leave him out of this! He will seek revenge! He will strike you down! The entire coalition will bring this piece of hell crumbling down in ruins!” Avelyn spat.

Luzella laughed softly to herself, smirking down at the elf.

“I’m truly terrified… trembling even.  I like to think that I’m a fair individual. Don’t you agree?”

“… No I don-” Avelyn started to respond.

“Your opinion doesn’t matter, Avelyn,” Luzella sharply cut her off.

“Your little boyfriend isn’t here to protect you anymore, is he…” Luzella stepped forward and unlocked the cell. She reached in and pulled the elf out. “He was a fan of games, so let’s play another. I admit, it wasn’t very fair out on the battlefield. Outnumbered and weak, your forces took some heavy losses. Not the most honorable act. How about we make it a bit more fair this time. Just you and me, hand to hand, no weapons, no unfair advantages.”

Luzella reached down, grabing a fist full of Avelyn’s hair and pulling her head back sharply.

“If you win, I’ll let you go. I’ll toss you out across the sands, and we’ll just pretend I never found you.”

Avelyn gritted her teeth, trembling in anger as she strained against the demon’s grip.

“There’s no way in hell I can trust you! You raped me!… Even if I did, what if you win?”

Luzella smiled and cocked her head to the side softly. She pulled Avelyn’s head farther back, forcing her face upward.


“Well lets just say you’ll be spending a lot of personal time with me.”

Before Avelyn could respond, Luzella pushed her lips over Avelyn’s, kissing her forcefully before tossing her backward into the cell.

“I’d get ready if I were you. You have some fighting ahead. and trust me – I always play to win,” Luzella winked, walking away.


Queen Aria’s vision faded in and out as she attempted to keep her focus on Yuldasha. She spoke with the Kazdruk sorceress Aeltha. She could partly make out more Kazdruk talking amongst themselves within Yuldasha’s chamber. They looked like generals and higher ranking demons.   

“How is she faring, Master?” Aeltha spoke to Yuldasha.

“She’s falling deeper, Aeltha. Your little crown creation seems to be working as planned, though I believe her witnessing Ulla’s unfortunate demise may have sucked the last sweet droplet of hope out of her.”

“I regret missing out on such a marvelous spectacle. Viprill are quite remarkable creatures,” Aeltha remarked.

Their conversation was interrupted by a guard opening the chamber door. The other Kazdruk stopped as well and watched the guard enter with casual interest.  “Please excuse me, Master Yuldasha, but Jelthra is requesting to speak with you.”

“Oh, is she really?” Yuldasha laughed. The higher ranking soldiers also chuckled to themselves at the sound of Jelthra’s name. “Let her enter.”

“Yes, Master.” The guard stepped aside to let Jelthra enter.

Aeltha, along with the other nobles, looked on silently and smirking as Jelthra strode into the chamber with a slight limp. Yuldasha sat down in her throne as the human approached closer.

“You have a lot of heart, Jelthra, I’ll give you that.”

“Pleaze Master, let me prove myself again,” Jelthra spoke as she bowed down to one knee.

Yuldasha looked on in amusement.

“Oh? And exactly how will you do this after your… disappointing performance of late.”

“Vhat about ze gem you are looking for? De one you sent Cazel to retrieve? Let me retrieve it, I bet I could get back before she! She is useless elf! Butt fodder for ze first creature who vants her!”

Yuldasha laughed out a long, exuberant laugh. “Dearest child, come before me… closer.”

Jelthra got to her feet and hesitantly walked toward Yuldasha. She briefly glanced at Aeltha. The sorceress flashed her a small smile.

“Jelthra, you see… there is no Gem. “

“Vhat?… But then…zee map? and…”

“All fabricated. There is no gem at the base or inside Mournfall peak. Cazel is searching for something that doesn’t exist. She will find nothing in that mountain except for old lava tunnels and… oh what did you say they were, Aeltha?”

“Failed experiments, Master. Creating hybrids is a delicate art, and these were.. suitably aggressive though uncontrollable. I’ve been using that location as a dumping ground for a while now and some appear to have formed a pack, claiming the place as their own,” Aeltha grinned.

Yuldasha looked back at Jelthra.

“You see, Cazel will not be returning. We got what we wanted from her and she is… as you say… useless and rather uninteresting. So, I decided to get rid of her in a… creative manner. A final thrill for her pathetic little life. You should be thankful I didn’t send you on that quest.”

Jelthra nodded nervously. “Yes of courze, I understand now. But…”

“Shhh. The moment will arise for you to prove yourself again child. For now, I’d watch your back and stay out of everyone’s way. You’re a skilled individual, Jelthra; don’t let it all go to waste, and stop acting like a victim. Victims.. do not last long here.”

“Yes, Master.” Jelthra bowed again.

“Now please – excuse us, Jelthra.”

Jelthra bowed and limped out of the room.

“She is determined, is she not, Master?” Aeltha grinned.

“Indeed she is, but now onto more pressing matters…. like our lovely queen here. Will your crown turn her in time?”

“Perhaps, Master. This isn’t an exact science and her will is strong. She’s still trying to resist.”

Yuldasha gazed at Aria as she dazed off, her will deteriorating before them. The demoness stood and walked towards the elvish queen.

“She’s right on the cusp.”

“Queen Aria?” Yuldasha spoke as the northern elf snapped out of her twilight. “My scouts have spotted a small regiment of northern – and southern – elves marching awfully close to this spire.”

Yuldasha laughed while she placed her finger under Aria’s chin. “Remarkable, no? The collaboration of both elvish peoples. They seem to be approaching from different angles. How very brave of them.”

Aria looked up at Yuldasha, mustering what little resolve she had left. “Innocence, purity, and good will always topple evil, Yuldasha! You may kill me but you will never extinguish that. You will never truly defeat us.”

Yuldasha removed her finger, letting Aria’s weak head fall forward. “Oh you speak so proudly of purity and innocence for someone who took a Keeat like a bitch in heat!”

The surrounding Kazdruk responded with snide laughter.

“And there you go with your pathetic little concepts of good and evil. It’s adorable.” Yuldasha smiled and turned to Aeltha. “Hmm, looks like will will need to speed up the process, Sorceress Aeltha, or else we will miss our window.”

Yuldasha casted her bolts of green lighting around Aria’s hands in a loud crackle. The twisted magic bound her hands above her head; the Queen cried in protest and squirmed as she was lifted off the ground and levitated towards Yuldasha. The other Kazdruk stopped and turned their attention to the spectacle. Aria felt dozens of cruel eyes staring at her form. Even in her weakened state, Aria tried to glare defiantly at Yuldasha.

“Still so proud, even now. I like that,” Yuldasha grinned as one of her hands slowly and deliberately stroked her cock to full erection. Aria looked down at Yuldasha’s growing member, eyes locked on it for a moment too long before returning to meet Yuldasha’s gaze.

“You… you can do nothing more to me, demon. You may have broken my body but my mind remains pure.”

Yuldasha chuckled and reached down between Aria’s thighs with her free hand, sliding her fingers along her slit, smearing them with Aria’s slick juices.

“My my, you’re practically gushing down there. Your mouth tells me one thing but your cunt says another. Your body betrays your true feelings, little Queen.”

Aria started to panic. Deep down a voice was telling her Yuldasha was right. She knew something was wrong, but couldn’t quite figure out what. “No I.. you’re wrong.”

Yuldasha ran her hands up and down her own curves, her large cock now fully erect, breasts proudly on display, bursting out of her top. “You want me.”


With a flick of Yuldasha’s wrist, the spell holding Aria in the air moved her even closer, her pussy mere inches from the tip of Yuldasha’s cock. Slowly, it pushed into Aria, parting her wet lips. She groaned and shut her eyes, shaking her head as she felt the large member fill her, aided by her own lubrication. Yuldasha thrust in further, savoring the feeling of the Queen’s tight pussy.

“Mmmhm. Sorceress Aeltha, would you care to assist me?” Yuldasha murmured.

Aeltha’s lips curled. “It would be pleasure, Master.” Aeltha coolly walked behind Aria, her own cock erect and ready from the sight of the spectacle. She ran her hands along the elvish Queen’s sides, letting her black talons glide across the soft, white skin. Aeltha smiled approvingly and gripped Aria’s legs, raising them. Her stiff cock pressed against the rim of Aria’s rear entrance.

“Ughn… please… no…” Aria pleaded weakly, beads of sweat forming on her body.

Aeltha firmly grasped Aria’s legs and leaned in, her face close to the elf’s ear and silky hair, whispering, “I did so enjoy your mouth, Queen Aria. I wonder if your ass is as delightfully snug.”

Before Aria could protest again, Aeltha’s cock pushed Aria’s ass open and sunk itself in. Aria cried out as she felt herself violated in both holes. With Aeltha bracing the Queen, Yuldasha fucked Aria slowly but forcefully, in time with the dark Sorceress. Aria’s breasts bounced free of her small top as both Kazdruk women thrust in and out of her. Grunts and moans filled the room, the audience present unusually quiet and attentive for the bunch of rowdy soldiers that they were.

“Admit it, Queen Aria. Mm… you enjoy this.” Yuldasha taunted, her emerald eyes focused on Aria’s panting face.

Aria struggled to focus, the crown on her head seemed to weigh heavier as she felt her self doubly penetrated. “Ahh, I don’t… I can’t…”

“Stop lying to yourself. Stop denying your urges, Queen. Mhmm. I saw your face when I disposed of Ulla.”

“That… it was revolting!”

Yuldasha grinned. “You looked away in fear. But there was lust in your eyes. Admit it.”

“N.. no!”

“Part of you enjoyed it. Ahh… part of you wanted to be the one sending Ulla to her fate. Or maybe… maybe you wanted to take Ulla’s place, hmm?”

“That’s not… aaahh!” Aria struggled to focus as she felt a heat building in her loins. Her forced fucking was starting to feel good, the cocks filling her in just the right way. The voice in her head grew louder and merged with her own thoughts. Perhaps Yuldasha was correct. She reflected on past events. How that one Keeat dominated her. How Ulla’s despair secretly excited her. Were those her thoughts at the time? Or were they being replaced with a new outlook. A better outlook.

Aeltha interjected. “Oh yes, I think, mmm, our prim and proper Queen is nothing but a decadent slut. All you’ve witnessed here, a place where our base desires are set free… a Keeat takes an elf as it’s bitch, a Kazdruk takes a slave. It excites you… compels you… consumes your thoughts.” As if to drive the point home, Aeltha thrusted deep inside of Aria’s rear, eliciting another moan from the elf.

Yuldasha nodded, keeping up the pace inside Aria’s slick pussy. “I’m offering you a gift, Aria… you can go back as a dull and pure Queen forever bound to an old, crusty, sexless King, a victim waiting to see yourself and your people harvested and ruined. Or you can embrace what your body already desires. Imagine the elven people all dedicated to serving your desires… your playthings… as you are mine.”

Aria felt her own hips bucking against the Kazdruk cocks, her whole body hot and tense, a sheen of sweat sticking to her skin. She imagined what Ulla must be going through right now, Viprill’s curled around her small form, fucking her into submission. Then she imagined herself sitting lewdly on her own throne. Her people surrounding her, all naked. Nubile elven men and women ready to serve her in any way. She fantasized commanding them to lick her eager pussy, or taking a handsome studs cock down her throat… or even ordering a pack of Keeats to take them. A beastly orgy in her court for her to savor. A royal court of writhing bodies, sexual moans, sweat and cum.

She snapped out of her reverie only for her mind to return to the building pleasure within her. She gazed at Yuldasha, and uttered a single word –


“What was that, my Queen?” Yuldasha replied, mockingly.

“Yes… I… I want this. Ah… take me… TAKE ME!!!”

22 Yuld Aria Aeltha

Yuldasha and Aeltha both smiled in satisfaction at their handiwork. The Queen’s pride had melted away and she had fast become a willing fuck toy, rutting against them like a common whore. It didn’t take much more stimulation for both Kazdruk women to reach their peak. They groaned in tandem, spurting their thick cum into the Queen’s womb and colon, which quickly overflowed, spilling much of it onto the floor and Aria herself.

Aria meanwhile became lost in ecstasy. As the Kazdruk seed filled her, a wave of pleasure crashed over her supple body. She shook in orgasmic bliss, throwing her head back and screaming, every part of her tingled with delight that seemed to last for an eternity as her cunt and ass milked the cocks inside her for all they were worth.

Satisfied, the Kazdruk pair withdrew, still spurting cum over Aria’s creamy skin. Yuldasha stepped back and dismissed the spell holding Aria bound. The Queen crumpled unceremoniously onto the cum covered floor, panting heavily and exhausted from her mind blowing orgasm. Yuldasha stood over the defeated Queen.

“Now, Queen Aria. We have much to do and very little time. Can I count on your cooperation?” Yuldasha asked with a toothy grin.

Aria panted still, cum leaking from her nether regions. Her dark crown seemed to glow softly, standing out even more from her silky white hair. She slowly rose, her hands on Yuldasha’s legs for support. Her face became level with Yuldasha’s still erect cock, gleaming with her juices.

“Yes… Master.” Aria, without any prompting, began to lick Yuldasha’s cock clean, moaning heavily as her hand reached down to finger her own pussy. Yuldasha and Aeltha looked on at the scene of the broken Queen debasing herself before them, and smiled.


Luzella stood proudly in the fighting pit before Avelyn. A few fellow Kazdruk watched on from around the small dirt filled ring. Some held other human and elvish prisoners were gambling on the outcome, placing in various slaves as their ante. Avelyn was surprised that Luzella had given her elvish uniform back. She would not only fight for her freedom tonight, but she would fight in the name of the AzurLyyn houses. Neither held weapons although the ring was lined with shields, short swords, and various other weapons. Luzella was clothed in lighter armor than usual, her heavy chest armor and bracers were absent. She wore her light leather battle dress and a simple leather like covering over her breasts that appeared  more of a battle undergarment. She had wrapped her wrists and forearms in linen bandages. Her animalistic arm tattoos rode up from under the supportive wrapping and up her muscular arms.  The great demon scuffed her hooves into the packed dirt like a bull. Her large horns topped off her hellish image. Avelyn shivered at her white eyes; they pulsated slowly in the low light. Torches spat and sparked along the side of the pit, encircling the soon to be warzone.

Kamri snuck into the loose group of other onlooking Kazdruk. She had been passing by and noticed the rambunctious noises. Curious, she took a step in. She pulled down on her cloak hood as she slipped between the rowdy group unnoticed. She reached the side of wood wall and peered downward. When she noticed Luzella, a spark stripped up through her veins.

Avelyn felt odd without a sword, she was a  capable hand-to-hand fighter but she’d give anything for a well crafted elvish blade. She brought her wrapped hands upward into her guard stance while she slowly but confidently moved toward Luzella. She kept her eyes on the amazon demon at all times.

Luzella, although heavy, was no waterlogged ballista when it came to moving. For her size, she was extremely light on her hooves. Her height, strength, and speed was a dangerous combination. She moved slowly towards Avelyn, calculating and reading her opponent. She lowered herself slightly, dropping her center of gravity. She too brought both fists up, along with a big smile before she spit across the dirt. The Kazdruk picked up her pace moving toward the elf. Avelyn strafed sideways to avoid becoming pinned up against a side wall. Avelyn quickly realized her strategic disadvantage. Luzella had a much greater reach over her; she had to keep her distance, but she couldn’t run from her all night. It was already too late – Luzella’s long powerful legs closed the distance in mere seconds. The amazon swung a heavy outstretched punch. Avelyn quickly avoided the hit and backed away. Luzella only smiled as she brought both hands up into a grappling stance.

“What’s the matter, Aveyln? Show me what you elves are really made of!” Avelyn gestured her hands to come forward.

Luzella closed the distance again and grappled at her. Avelyn brought both hands up, interlocking her fingers with Luzella’s. Avelyn stood no chance; the massive demon easily overpowered her smaller frame. The elf tried her best to hold her ground against the powerhouse. Avelyn was pushed back and lost footing as her boots dragged through the dirt. Luzella’s back erupted with thick muscle as she really began to lean into it, pushing her enemy backward.  Avelyn realized she was again quickly running out of space, the pit wall now getting dangerously close. If she became pinned up against a wall it would all be over. There would be no way for her to get out of Luzella’s reach or grasp.  The elvish soldier thought quickly and brought herself in closer to Luzella, dropping low she kicked Luzella hard in the side of the knee. To Luzella’s surprise, she slightly buckled giving Avelyn just enough time to back out of the enclosing corner. Luzella spun around quickly, smiling at her.

“You sneaky little rat!”

Avelyn didn’t have much time, so she threw a punch catching Luzella in the gut. The punch nearly broke her hand. Luzella launched an elbow strike downward at the elf’s outstretched arm, Avelyn took the hard strike letting out a loud grunt as pain seared through her wrist. She quickly returned a high kick towards Luzella’s face, but the amazon blocked the kick with her left forearm. She crouched down before following through with a hard right uppercut. The punch caught Avelyn square in her stomach, launching her airborne for a moment before striking the sidewall.

The pit spun wildly as Avelyn tired to catch her baring and breath.

“Get up, get up, get up!” is all Avelyn could repeat in her head. She had to get up or it would be over very quickly. She looked up to see Luzella walking over to her. It felt like an eternity before she was able to get up to her hands and knees. Luzella was already above her. The amazon brought her right leg back before railing into Avelyn’s rib cage. The elf collapsed back onto her stomach in agonizing pain. In a last ditch effort, Avelyn swiped her leg out as hard as she could, tripping Luzella. The demon was swept out from under her hooves, landing hard on her side. The onlooking Kazdruk roared and cheered at the upset unfolding before them.

Luzella quickly recovered, climbing back to her hands and knees. She didn’t get back up fully; instead, she pounced on Avelyn. The two rolled through the dirt. Avelyn quickly found herself on her back straddled by the amazon and pinned under her weight. Luzella locked the elf in place with her thighs before launching a deadly salvo of punches towards the elf’s face. The elvish soldier feebly placed her forearms up to block the barrage of heavy strikes. Luzella’s hard strikes broke straight through. Avelyn saw stars as she was pummeled into the dirt. The pit spun as her ending began. Avelyn refused to be defeated, her long lineage of elvish stubbornness set in. She grabbed a handful of dirt and tossed it up at Luzella’s face. The cloud of red sand exploded across the Kazdruk’s face and eyes. Luzella grunted and halted off her assault. Suddenly unable to see, she got up quickly and brought both hands up to her face to clear the dirt from her eyes. She shook her head like a wild animal. Avelyn took the opening to get back on her feet. Partly blinded, Luzella stumbled around for a moment until she fully cleared her eyes.

Avelyn stumbled around and was now presented with an enraged Luzella. The demon charged her in sheer anger now; head down and horns forward, she charged like a bull. Avelyn side stepped and caught Luzella with a kick to her face. Luzella dug her hooves into the dirt, spun around and stopped before spitting out a wad of blood. Luzella cooled herself down and thought for a moment before charging in again. She recalculated the battlefield and leveled herself. Avelyn became offensive and moved in, trying to keep her enemy on the defense.                          

Kamri watched on studying the amazon’s style. “Hmm, she is aware that her temper is a fault. Damn, I could have used that to my advantage, everyone has a weakness…but what is yours Luzella? What can I use to exploit?”   

Avelyn jabbed inward and kept moving, launching kicks and strikes. Luzella easily blocked her attacks but Avelyn wasn’t giving Luzella enough time to counter, she kept moving around. Luzella was surprisingly patient. She gave Avelyn the sense that she was making progress and simply toying with the elf. In truth Luzella hadn’t even exposed a quarter or her true fighting potential. She liked to keep her enemies in the dark until it was too late. She was wearing the elf out. Luzella stopped playing. She could see that the constant movement by Avelyn was starting to wear on her. She was slowing down and losing stamina. Luzella moved in for the kill. She moved in low and fast and struck out two quick punches, the sudden advance caught Avelyn completely off guard. The first punch grazed the elf but the second caught her hard in the chest. Avelyn stumbled back. Before she had a chance to correct herself, Luzella was already railing into her. She launched a combination of jabs ending with a hard punch to the elf’s stomach. Avelyn cried out; she buckled inward and her head fell forward. Luzella grabbed the elf’s head and drove it home straight into her knee for the final strike. Avelyn feel backward landing hard on her back and kicking up a cloud of red dirt. She rolled onto her belly in pain. Her vision filled with silver stars as she got back up to her hands and knees again, racing to get to her feet. Avelyn’s elvish body was being fueled by pure adrenaline. Luzella struck her in the ribs again while she was down.

“You’re going to stay down this time, Avelyn.”

Avelyn held her ribs and tried to get up. Luzella kicked her lightly back down to the dirt.

“You need to learn your new place, elf.”

Avelyn tried one more time to get up, this time pulling on Luzella’s own belt to help herself up. Luzella palmed her face and pushed her back down. Avelyn feebly fell to her back.  Luzella placed her hoof across the elf’s chest and began applying pressure. Avelyn panicked at the sudden inability to breathe. She grabbed Luzella’s leg trying to push her off.

“Give up, Avelyn, accept your new place,” Luzella spat, pushing her hoof harder into Avelyn.

*cough* I give up! *cough* I give up! Pleaseee!”

Luzella smiled and let off her. Avelyn rolled to her side holding her stomach and bruised ribs. With a fresh trickle of blood running down from her nose, Avelyn raised her hand up in defeat. Luzella reached down and tore the elf’s top off and threw it into the dirt before grinding her hoof into it.

“You’ll no longer need this.”  

Avelyn tried crawling up to her hands and knees.  Luzella placed her hoof on her back and pushed her back into the dirt.

“Look at you, I don’t believe you fully understand how this works… you think you get to just crawl away? ” Luzella laughed. ” You stay down there from now on, you understand?”

” …burn… in… hell…” Avelyn was able to grit out between heavy breaths trying to push herself back up but failing miserably.

Luzella used her hoof to roll Avelyn onto her back.

“Look at me!” Luzella spat.

Avelyn rolled her head to the side and was met with a toyish kick to her side again.

“Look at me when i’m speaking to you! You see this perspective? Hmm? I said DO YOU SEE THIS PERSPECTIVE? You better get used to it. This will be your new point of view from now on. On the dirt like a dog. Keep your eyes on the ground unless I say otherwise.”

Luzella stomped down hard right next to Avelyn’s head, causing her to flinch in fear.   

“Now accept your new future and clean this hoof.”

Luzella looked off to the side of the pit at her fellow Kazdruk. Some were grumbling as they lost gold and flesh to bets. Luzella suddenly pointed over to the group.

Kamri’s blood turned to ice, and her heart stopped beating. She’d been spotted!    

“Hey Ruuk! What do we got over there for whips?” Luzella yelled.

Kamri took a sigh of relief as the Kazdruk in front of her moved forward grabbing a whip for Luzella.


“Go ahead, work that tongue! Lick it clean,” Luzella spoke again knocking her hoof softly against Avelyn’s head. She raised the leather whip high above her horns.

Avelyn looked at Luzella’s calf, down to her hoof and then up to her face. Luzella cracked the whip hard across the elf, leaving a long welt up her arm and across her shoulder. Avelyn winced in pain.

“I said eyes on the ground!” Luzella barked.

She feebly leaned over in agony and slowly outstretched her tongue. She slid her wet tongue across the amazon’s chiseled calf muscle. Avelyn slowly slide it downward, down her hock and finally her hoof.

“There you go, little pet,” Luzella kept her hoof in place while Avelyn licked at it. “As with all good domesticated animals you need some reins don’t you?” She took the long whip, looped it and tied it into a noose like leash. She slipped it over Avelyn’s neck. Luzella smiled and pulled it, letting it tighten around her neck. If Avelyn failed to keep up with Luzella and not give her any slack, the leash would start choking her.

“Alright, you better keep up when we go for walks. Lets go, time to get you cleaned up.”

Luzella made her way out of the pit, now dragging Avelyn as her broken body failed to keep up on all fours. As the two began to pass cloaked Kamri, Luzella stopped in place suddenly and grasped Kamri’s neck through her cloak. The hood brushed backward exposing Kamri’s face.  Luzella smiled while lifting Kamri off the floor with one hand and smashing her up against the wall.

“Oh, look who it is! I haven’t forgotten about you,” Luzella grinned.

Kamri kicked her legs and struggled to break free.

“I heard about your little stunt you pulled on Jelthra. Think you can play with the big girls now, hmm?”    

Kamri smiled through her choking and spit a wad of saliva across Luzella’s face.

Furry erupted in the amazon’s face.

“I’m going to- “  

“Luzella!” A voice suddenly rang out over the small scuffle.

Luzella cocked her head to the side at attention while still strangling Kamri.

Aeltha stood with her arms crossed, glaring down from the above balcony. “Release Kamri and come before me.”

Luzella’s eyes flared in hatred, still gripping Kamri’s neck.

“At once!” Aeltha ordered coldly. “Don’t make me ask again.”

Feverishly annoyed at the situation, Luzella slowly slid Kamri back down to her feet.

“Go on, little Keeaty,“ Kamri whispered under her breath. Luzella rolled her fingers into a fist of animosity, using every last ounce of control to remain composed.  

“It seems fate has ruled in your favor. Your time will come, little one…” Luzella grinned at Kamri.

Luzella handed the makeshift leash to a fellow Kazdruk soldier before making her way towards Aeltha. The sorcerist slowly made her way down the spiral stairs, meeting Luzella at the bottom.   

“Good evening, High Sorceress Aeltha,” Luzella spoke before kneeling before her.

“What’s this all about down here?” Aeltha pointed her finger at the group of other Kazdruks and Kamri.

“Oh…just some friendly competition, sorceress.”

“Mmhmm…” Aeltha responded less than convinced. She looked down at the kneeling amazon for a moment and ran a talon across Luzella’s clavicle, then upward along her jugular.

“Hmm, you are an exceptional breed, aren’t you? The apex of Kazdruk physique. Almost… almost perfect.”

Aeltha paused for a moment before smacking Luzella hard across her face.

“You lack elegance!” Aletha yelled before pulling a fistfull of the demon’s hair backward.  

“You are what the humans call… what’s the saying again?…a bull in a ceramic market. Your pride and haughtiness never ceases to amaze, but shear strength alone will not win you every battle.”

Anger stirred behind Luzella’s blizzard like eyes. Before she could return any words, Aeltha cut her off.

“Yuldasha has ordered each Talon leader to prepare for the oncoming elvish assault. I’m sure you have more important matters to be attending than meddling here with these bottom dwellers. ”  

Luzella bit her tongue and bowed before Aeltha. “Yes, Sorceress Aletha.”

“Good, then you are dismissed.” Aeltha spun on one heel and marched back up the staircase.

Luzella’s anger radiated off her skin as she rose back to her hooves. Kamri was long gone now. She knew she would have another chance. She made her way back to Avelyn, grabbed her leash, and left.



I have to admit, the dull yellow candle light shimmering through the hundreds of icicles was pretty looking but I couldn’t help but think of frozen Keeat piss. Maybe it was the yellow tinge, or the reek of all the elvish horse stables. The icicles were the only thing nice about this little elvish village.  I thought the snow was nice at first, It beats the heat but the crunchy snow under my boots was making sneaking difficult. Why did Aeltha need these subjects anyway? She’s always tinkering so it doesn’t surprise me that she wants some more live test subjects. But still, being a curious Kazdruk I had to wonder.

Well, the faster I get them, the faster I can get back and find out. I was doing my best at keeping the primal side under control. You might say I have a tendency of letting my Kazdruk testosterone cloud my better judgement. Jelthra… damn, what I’d do to have those fucking lips around my cock right now. She’s a troublemaker and she knows it. And Kamri – hell, I’d plow her good, but fucking your own student never ends well, and besides, Yuldasha would probably castrate me…or worse…

Come on, focus, focus.

I could smell something sweet close by. Smells like vanilla and wine. The unmistakable smell of elvish skin. I lost the scent as quickly as I acquired it. Damn. It came from this house, it had to have.

I pulled myself up onto the log siding. The crisscrossed logs practicality made steps. I climbed a few stories peering into each window as I passed. I got to the top floor and peered into the frosted window.  Low and behold, elvish skin…Ok one more thing I can add to my list of nice things here. The elvish woman.

Neicul, the errand boy. It’s your lucky night.

This unexpecting victim was gorgeous, slightly tan skin, long dark red hair, excellent figure, she looked in great shape. Maybe a soldier. Alright, where’s your husband? I kept peering in and around the room. She looked to be getting ready for bed. Maybe she’s alone? Perfect.

Alright, don’t fuck this up.  I could crash through this window here, run a snatch and grab. Hmm, but she looks like a fighter, maybe I should stealth this one. Back down I go then.

Elvish locks were easy enough to pick. I snuck up through the house; it was easier to sneak on wood than all that crunchy snow. The only issues was these houses didn’t have us Kazdruk in mind when they built them. I ran the risk of smashing my head on the door jams, so I had to tread carefully. I finally got to the top floor. I edged my way to the bedroom door and peered in. There was the elvish beauty laying in bed. I heard rustling in the small room beside the bedroom. Must be the mister getting around for bed. I slowly undid one of my daggers… poor bastard thinks he’s getting laid tonight. Well, I got bad news for him. I waited until he took his first step into the bedroom.


It was another woman! I lowered my dagger at the sight. I’m not sure why, seeing as she looked like a soldier as well. This elvish woman rivaled the looks of her partner. This beauty had lighter skin and long tightly braided white hair with one lose long blue strand running down the right side of her face. Her long athletic legs carried her to the bed, each soft step causing her supple breasts to bounce. She slowly slide onto the silk sheets and sensually straddled the dark redhead. The lighter elf let her long braids cascade over her lover’s face before she slowly lowered herself for a long soft kiss.

Well this certainly makes things interesting…hmm… Well, I don’t see why I can’t take both with me. I doubt Aletha would mind. Hell, maybe she’ll pull her wand out of her ass. I undid my second dagger. But I should probably wait and analyze the…uh… situation first.  

Spire of Torment. Chapter 21 : A Drought of Benevolence

By: Lucien

Geem sat on a broken tree, holding his head in his gloved hands. A fellow Elvish soldier was finishing bandaging up his arm. Elu walked over with a cup of herbal tea.

“You sure have taken a beating, Commander,”   Elu smiled as he handed Geem the cup of warm tea.

Geem nodded silently and took the cup from the young southland elf. Elu sat down on the log beside him. He fumbled with his long dreadlocks, looking across the dark land as he wrapped his hair into a bun. He tied the locks tightly with a red band. There was an awkward silence for a minute before Geem finally asked a question that he truly didn’t want the answer for.

“How do our numbers look, Elu?” Geem asked, taking a sip of the tea.

Elu looked skyward for a moment, gazing at the vibrant stars, hesitant to tell Geem the painful truth.

“Well… our scouts found what was left of your regiment. It seems many had fled from your tree line during the last Kazdruk assault …”

“Just give me some damn numbers boy!” Geem barked out, cutting Elu off.

“Roughly two hundred, Commander…two hundred of your troops are left in fighting condition.”

Geem dropped his head back into his palms.

“What about your clan, Elu? How many Blue Lotus soldiers made it here?”

“Roughly three hundred, Geem,” Elu spoke coldly.

“Five hundred soldiers? FIVE HUNDRED! To overrun the heart of the Kazdruk occupation!” Geem exploded in a mixture of fear and rage. “We don’t stand a chance, Elu…not a fucking CHANCE!”

Elu ignored Geem’s pessimistic outlook.

“They will most likely set up a defensive wall around the Spire, Geem. We need to coordinate this rescue. The Queen and now your Fiancee are depending on us. We’ve come this far, haven’t we?… So you can either sit here and sob into your hands, or you can put your damn armor back on and start figuring this out.”

Geem’s lip twitched as his eyes raced back and forth. He stopped,  took in a deep breath and began reattaching his amor.

“Right, lets figure this out then. We need a plan.”   

21 Geem Elu

Kiyler Geem & Elu

Cazel’s torch flickered wildly in the deep, cavernous tunnels of Mournfall Peak. The hollow belly of the mountain, spiraled downward leading into a labyrinth of passages and deep coves. Cazel ran her hands across the smooth ceiling pondering what Yuldasha needed this Gem for. She lost track of time as she walked deeper down into the tunnels. Cazel’s foot suddenly broke through the thin, hundred year old dry lava tunnel. Her entire leg fell through with a loud crunch. She let out a sharp scream that echoed down the cavern.>><<      

Realizing that she hadn’t fallen completely through the floor, she relaxed for a moment and pushed her arms out to both sides. Carefully she pulled upward lifting her leg out. Just as her boot reached the opening, the entire floor gave out in an avalanche of pebbles and ash. Cazel fell three meters through the hole, coming down hard on her boots. She collapsed into a somersault and then continued falling down a steep passage. Small rocks and thin sheets of dry lava sprinkled all over, tumbling downward with her. Cazel’s body picked up more and more momentum as she whirled head over heels. She reached out looking for anything to grab and break her fall. Her torch tumbled ahead of her, sliding along the rough tunnel and flashing violently. She slid faster before her side smashed into a stalagmite. With a loud crunch her body spun to a sharp stop. Cazel groaned holding her side. Thankful her armor took most of the impact. She laid in a fetal position for a moment, catching her breath that had been painfully knocked out of her. Her head spun as she looked around the small dry enclosure.

A gradual creaking sound started. Cazel shifted to try and get up and the entire floor caved in again in a explosion of sand, debris, and ash. Cazel dropped through another three meters landing hard on her stomach. She slid down a twenty meter rock hill before tumbling to a final stop. Rocks and dust settled on her back. Cazel coughed as she rolled to her side. The area was an open, immense cave. Stalactites rose up all over mixed with large slabs of granite jutting upward at all angles. The air was still, only delicate pebbles spilled in the distance, bouncing down into water filled channels. Cazel brushed the dirt and soot off her chest. Her torch laid on the granite floor, crackling and burning. She limped over to the torch and picked it up, illuminating the deep cavern. Cazel gasped in fear at the sight before her. Ten to twenty sets of peering eyes glowed all around her in the dark recesses of the cave. Each creature’s set of tapetum lucida reflected Cazel’s torched light back at her. The more she focused, the more sets of eyes she noticed glaring back at her. Cazel took a step backward and slowly spun around. She quickly lost count of the hundreds of eyes glaring at her.



Cool fresh water splashed down Luzella’s chiseled body. Small droplets of beads rolled between her deep cleavage as she ran her hands through her long black hair. She sighed in  relief as the remains of war were washed from her smooth Kazdruk skin. She stood in the waterfall shower, letting the cooling water sooth her wounds, knots, and pulled muscles.

“Excuse me, Luzella,” a small impish Kazdruk voice squeaked into the bathing chamber.

Luzella growled softly at the interruption; she opened her eyes and turned around to see a small statured Helot soldier. The Helot looked on surprised as he accidently walked straight into view of Luzella.  

The soldier stood dumbfounded and stared at Luzella’s impressive physique, following her athletic build down to her large flaccid cock, rocketing back up to Luzella’s white glowing eyes. The Helot swallowed hard, now regretting his decision of interrupting her. Luzella walked forward with strength and intention towards the small Helot. The small demon’s eyes opened wide in fear and he began walking backward slowly as if he’d accidentally walked into a den of dragons. Luzella easily closed the distance, grinning at the soldier.

“Well, what do you want? You’ve clearly interrupted me and now you seem to be trying to leave.”

The Helot bumped into the end of the chamber, his muscular back flattening against the cool wet tiles. Luzella looked down at the demon and rested her hand on the Helot’s head softly.

“Please, many apologies Luzella, I wasn’t aware you were…”

Luzella placed her hand over his mouth and placed a finger over her own lips to shush him.

“You’re only digging your grave deeper, Helot; I’d quickly start over if I were you.”

Luzella spoke with annoyance as she placed both hands against the wall behind him. The helot’s eyes danced back and forth in fear as they looked at each flexed arm on either side of his head. She slowly pushed her body onto him, letting her weighty breasts pin him to the wall. Her wet black hair now hanging over into the helot’s face.

“I’ll ask one more time nicely. What do you want?“    

“J-J- J-elthra, your Excellence. Please… don’t hurt me, I’m only the messenger.”

Luzella’s eyes narrowed harshly and a bit surprised. Her dark lips curled upward to the sides.

“Oh? Jelthra you say? And what does she want?” she spoke smugly.

“S-S-She requests your presence…please.”

Luzella bit her lower lip hard.

“I no longer need to answer to her, you little newborn swine. I’m no longer her little errand girl. You can go tell her that—” Luzella paused for a moment. “No, I’ll go tell her myself.” Luzella’s eyes flickered.

“T-T-Thank you, Great Luzella… I’ll be on my way then, I don’t wish to disrupt anymore of your time,” the Helot hissed.

Luzella smiled, but didn’t release the Helot from the wall. Her breasts now squeezing around his neck.

“Oh how thoughtful of you, my little Helot… You know, you’re awfully small, even for a Helot. You’re almost cute… in a twisted ugly way. Have you no manners? It’s rather rude to walk in on someone while they’re showering. ”

The Helot looked up ashamed, not sure how to respond.

“I-I-It won’t happen again Luzella, many apologies.”

“A submissive pushover too…” Luzella grinned, pushing herself into the demon.

“The most unique attribute of your Helot kind is that you’re expendable assets. Through Kazdruk intervention, now only males exist of your race.  Breed only for grunt work and front line fodder. Or in your pathetic case, a messenger.  If you were to go missing, no one would notice, no one would care, no one would shed a tear.  How does that make you feel? Diminutive? Hmm? Useless?”

The Helot looked up in anger.

“Luckily for you, I don’t have time to meddle with such a low tier creature. You’re not worth the blood on my hands. So let this be a lesson. If I ever see you again, you better run, run, ruuun, little boy. ”  

Luzella smiled, grabbed his arm, and tossed him to the wet floor. The Helot slid across the smooth, water soaked surface before hitting the wall hard with a loud crack.

“Time to pay Jelthra a visit.” Luzella grinned as her white eyes flashed.


Kamri’s eyes glared over the ancient Kazdruk scripts, being careful not to rip the old parchment.  With Neicul away on a quest for Aeltha, she had no master to report to. Now on her own, she continued training by herself and absorbing as much knowledge as she could. Kamri shut the book – this would be enough reading for one day. She began getting ancy so she shifted up from the stone table and lifted her staff. Low howls rang out as she slowly spun her newly constructed weapon. Feeling its light weight, Kamri momentarily gazed to her right. She noticed the candle on the reading table was glowing from orange to a deep red.

A sharp vision of Elu suddenly relapsed into her mind. The red flames reminded her of his red hair ties. The sudden jolt of imagery caused Kamri to lose focus mid twirl. Her staff slipped from her hand and fell hard to the floor. The image was painful. His face danced in her head for a moment before vanishing. Her heart sunk for a moment. Kamri took a deep breath and picked up her staff. She decided to leave the room and get some fresh air. She walked out of the library into the dark Spire halls, her shadow casting itself down the long endless void of stone. She wasn’t entirely sure where she was going yet. She hadn’t relapsed in quite some time. She needed someone to talk to, but Neicul was gone and she didn’t entirely trust anyone else. She wondered how he was faring on his quest.    


Timothy squinted at his blade laying before him on his large oak table. He dipped his cleaning rag into the elvish polishing solution before rising it up again to run it across his sword. He watched as the suds rolled between each detailed elvish engraving. He suddenly froze mid motion and cocked his head to the side. He brushed his long dark hair out of his face. He could have sworn he heard a sound outside the window on the second-story balcony. He listened carefully for a moment. Only a soft snow filled wind and the crackling of the candles could be heard.  His wife and two kids were sound asleep at this hour. He shook his head.

“Hmm, its getting pretty late I suppose, the mind is playing its tricks.”  Being a reserve soldier of house Wayyel, Timothy had to report tomorrow morning in the center of town. But before he would accompany his beautiful elvish wife in bed, he noticed his blade was getting a bit dirty, so a quick cleaning was in order.

A clear knock echoed outside the window again and Timothy snapped his head upward and looked at the window.There was no mistake that something was outside. He slowly stood up gripping his sword. Timothy unhinged the wood bar that kept the door locked. He pushed the door open and a blast of cold snow spilled into the room. The light snowstorm made any outdoor visibility practically impossible. Timothy expected to find a raccoon or large AzurLyyn mountain squirrel. He saw nothing but snow and more snow. Looking closer he peered at the ground. He could see two large prints in the snow that were already becoming quickly covered up. They looked like boot pri-


Timothy was suddenly smashed backward as if a horse had kicked him in his face with both hooves. Someone or something had kicked him from the above the roof ledge. Timothy’s vision blurred as he fought to stay standing. He fell to one knee before he was shoved down to the floor by a large being. The dark figure stepped over him and entered his house. Timothy struggled back to his feet, picking up his sword. He stumbled back into his room right as his work table’s candle was blown out, plunging the room into darkness.

Only a cold blue ambient light trickled in from outside. Timothy brought his sword up in front of him; he could tell that the work-room’s door was still closed. The intruder was still in the room.

“Show yourself thief!”  Timothy spoke out looking around in fear.

“Your form is horrid…“ a low demonic voice whispered out.

Timothy looked down at his hilt quickly, gripped his blade tighter and tried to determine where the hell the voice came from. He took a few steps forward scanning the dark room.

What do you want?”

Suddenly, Neicul appeared out of the shadows, striking outward with his twin daggers. Timothy brought up his sword to block, haphazardly deflecting the shadowy strike. Timothy fell backward and the two crashed through a wood book shelf, sending books, glass and his sword across the room in a loud crash. Timothy punched the demon hard across his face before pushing him off. Neicul rolled back to his feet with blood trickling down his lip. He smiled bringing both daggers up into view, holding them in his unorthodox reverse grip with the blades facing downward. Neicul struck fast with his right fist striking the elvish man hard in the chest. He wanted this elvish man alive. Timothy threw a combination of punches but the demon blocked the fury. He returned a low kick towards Timothy’s leg. The elf stepped backward dodging the kick. Neicul fluently rode out his missed strike. Using his spinning momentum, he smoothly transitioned into a back fist strike. Timothy never saw it coming.  The hard punch caught Timothy square in the side of the face, the hit smashing his cheek bone. As Timothy began to collapse, Neicul drove one of his daggers through his left arm, painfully pinning him to the wall.  

Timothy hung pinned to the wall and knocked out cold.

Neicul pulled out his magic flask and poured it over the man’s mouth. The Kazdruk magic surged through him keeping him in his slumber. Neicul pulled his dagger out with a splash of red and heaved the unconscious man over his shoulder.

“Two down, one to go.”



Luzella walked briskly to Jelthra’s quarters, part annoyed and part intrigued. She pondered why Jelthra was requesting her presence again so soon. The useless Helot messenger had no info on the matter, only that Jelthra requested her presence. Her lips curled upward as she thought of her new elvish bitch Aveyln. She was looking forward to returning to her personal chamber to relieve some stress with the fresh elf.  She moved up the obsidian stairs, secretly hoping the matters might involve that little spitfire Kamri – she owed her a good railing. She came to the top, rounded the corner, and reached the black door leading into Jelthra’s room. Luzella pounded the wood hard, the door shook in its steel hinges.  

“Pleaze, come in,” Jelthra spoke out.

Luzella opened the heavy door and stepped in. The air was filled with sweet incense as an assortment of candles flickered in the chamber.

Luzella grinned at Jelthra. The human’s sight caused her to whip her tail back and forth once. Jelthra laid before her on the chamber’s bedding. She sat sprawled out and topless. The human looked upward lounging and restringing her beloved cross bow.

“Ah Luzella, how does zee night treat you?”

Luzella moved into the chamber, closing the heavy door behind her. The demon’s freshly wet black hair waved with each dominant, powerful step. She reached the edge of the bed and towered over Jelthra. She looked up at Luzella; she knew that look. The tall demoness’ white eyes were filled with lust and hunger.

Jelthra swallowed and kept cool. She outranked her. As long as she showed no signs of weakness she would be ok. Luzella leaned over slowly placing a heavy arm on either side of Jelthra. Her pectoralis and biceps flexed slightly. Her looming body trapped Jelthra in place.

“How can I be of service to you Jelthra?” She spoke, eyeing her up and down.

Jelthra knew she was playing a dangerous game with Luzella. The dog-eat-dog mentality of neighboring ranks always held the risk of one trying to overthrow the other. More so if they were on bad terms. There was no bad blood between the two as far as Jelthra knew. But still, she proceeded with caution.

“Kamri.” Jelthra simply spoke out, her eyes flaring with anger. She placed an arrow bolt into her cocked crossbow. She tried ignoring Luzella’s intimidating stature. She looked down and cross checked the restrung weapon.  

Luzella ran her hand up to the center of Jelthra’s chest running her finger down her sternum.

“Ah, little Kamri still causing you issues? How cute.”

“I vant her dead dis time!” Jelthra spoke coldly.

Luzella smiled her fiendish smile. She moved in closer onto the bed and straddled Jelthra.

Jelthra watched Luzella closely and nervously, trying her best to read the demon’s disposition, knowing her situation could quickly go downhill at any moment. She didn’t like how close Luzella was. Jelthra had seen her in combat and knew the only way to survive a skirmish with her was to not let her get in too close. Knowing this though, she attempted to play passive and non defensive. For this to work and win Luzella’s favor she couldn’t raise any red flags so she remained seated. Now she greatly regretted her decision. Jelthra was now in the absolute worst possible position.  Luzella was physically on her, pinning her mid-section to the bed. She sure hoped she still wanted a piece of Kamri.    

“Sounds like a personal problem, Jel.”

Luzella reached over Jelthra, her deep cleavage brushing into Jelthra’s face. The amazon picked up a vine of elvish fruit from a bowl behind the bed. Jelthra started to panic and shifted herself, trying to get out from under Luzella. The demoness flexed her strong thighs, squeezing Jelthra’s torso and holding her in place. With one hand she softly pushed Jelthra’s upper body down into the bed. Luzella only smiled as she plucked a small round grape sized fruit off the stem and slowly slid it between her lush lips.


Jelthra quickly realized that her plan was completely backfiring on her.  Luzella had completely blown off her order to kill Kamri, and seemed to have something else on her mind. No, this wouldn’t work, she would have to rethink her strategy and figure out a different way to smite Kamri.


Jelthra rose her crossbow up quickly at Luzella, attempting to stop her promiscuous advance. The demon quickly palmed the crossbow, pointing it upward as it fired off the bolt. The arrow stuck into the ceiling with a loud thud. Luzella bent Jelthra’s crossbow, crushing the wood and metal before tossing it off to the floor. The demoness remained silent and ate another tiny fruit, slowly running the grape between her lips. She shook her head side to side slowly in disappointment.

Jelthra threw a right hook up towards Luzella’s face. The demon shifted slightly and caught her punch, dropping the vine of fruit. Jelthra squirmed under Luzella, trying again to free herself.

Luzella squeezed Jelthra’s hand, applying pressure that could surely fracture her hand if continued for too long .

“Agghhh!”  Jelthra screamed out in pain, and rose her left hand. Her palm ignited into a fireball. Luzella caught her left hand at the wrist and aimed her hand outward. The fire spell launched out, striking the stone wall in a ball of cinders.    

The amazon took both hands and pinned Jelthra’s hands above her head. The two sank into the bedding. The demon’s long black hair cascaded around Jelthra’s face.    

“I honestly don’t know who’s weaker, you or Kamri? Apparently that little viper bested you. You should slit her throat yourself… but here you are, on your back like a little Beta Keeat.”

“You bitch ! Get off! Das an order!”

Luzella only returned a smile, flashing her canines.

“I no longer have to take orders from you, little Jelthra. Yuldasha once had high hopes for you, but I believe her opinion has changed. ”   

“Vat! Why?” Jelthra continued to struggle, trying to break the demon’s grip.

“I’m not the only one who has noticed how weak you are, as it is clearly being demonstrated here before us.”

Luzella moved her right hand down around Jelthra’s neck, feeling the human’s racing pulse through her jugular. Jelthra took the opportunity and ignited her free hand again, but the amazon squeezed her neck tightly.

“Toss another one of those and I’ll crush your little neck,” Luzella smiled cutting off the air to Jelthra.

Jelthra’s fire spell sizzled out as she wriggled around frantically, kicking and swinging. She started to break free, twisting her body around to her hands and knees. She started making leeway in her hectic struggle and began crawling off the bed. Luzella grabbed one of the human’s legs and dragged her back. Jelthra cried out knowing it was of no use. Luzella straddled her back, pinning her belly down to the bed.

“Such a strong and talented fighter, until you lose all your little toys Jel’. I’ll show you what a true warrior is capable of…a true Kazdruk.”

She reached down, sliding her hand across Jelthra’s thong before ripping it off her. Luzella purred as she ran her middle finger between Jelthra’s labia, slowly sliding her finger deep upside her. The amazon pulled her finger out and rubbed her erecting cock across Jeltra’s loins.

“…no…” Jelthra mumbled out as she felt Luzella’s heavy demon cock slide against her pussy. Luzella slid her hard cock head between Jelthra’s tight lips. The demon’s girth stretched her wide.

“Pleaze Luzella! I’ll do anything! Have mercy!” 

Luzella laughed.   

“You seek benevolence? I’ve wanted to pump you full of cum for a long time Jel. Always marching that tight ass of yours around, condescending and self righteousness…you reminded me of an elf jel… But this whole time you’ve been untouchable because of rank. The only thing holding me back was Yuldasha. It’s true that one will always crave what they can never have. But now you’re free game.”

Luzella lowered herself, sliding more of her member into Jelthra’s stretching pussy. She rested her weighty tits on Jelthra’s head, the large heavy mammaries inadvertently pinning the human’s head down. Jelthra gripped the bedding softy as the thick equine shaft slid deeper into her. She let out small cries as her insides were stuffed full.The amazon started rocking softly in and out, letting her cock slowly stretch her out. The wooden bed frame started creaking, struggling to hold both Jelthra and Luzella’s amazonian weight.     

“Oh fuck you’re tight, but I think we can do better Jel, don’t you think?” Luzella purred like a wild Keeat.

“No… no, no!”

“It would be a sin to let such a tight ass go untouched.”       

Luzella pulled her slick meaty shaft out. Candlelight shined off the wet pussy juices that now lathered her cock. Jelthra reached up for the bed frame, attempting to pull herself free again with no avail. Luzella reached down and palmed the back of Jelthra’s head holding her in place.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Pleaze! Luzella! Vhat do you want!”

Luzella slid her wet and robust rod upward, sliding it up against the human’s tight ass. Her flared demonic cock head pushed into her, demanding entrance. Jelthra gritted her teeth and pushed her arms backward into Luzella’s muscular thighs, in a feeble attempt as if to somehow push the titan Kazdruk off her.

Luzella only smiled her malevolent smile and pushed Jelthra’s head down into the bedding. She handled the human like a small toy as she forced her cockhead into Jelthra’s tight ass. Jelthra screamed as her sphincter struggled to accept the wide battering ram. Luzella slowly feed more of her length and wide girth into the human. Slowly it squeezed inward, stretching more and more, inch after inch. Jelthra screamed out again as her ass was becoming impossibly filled with Kazdruk meat. Luzella grinned in delectation as she pushed Jelthra’s face into the bedding, smothering out her cries. The Amazon’s arm flexed as she dominantly held her bitch in place. The demon smiled as half of her fat cock laid sunken into her toy’s ass. She rolled her hips backward to let part of her cock slid back outward. Luzella pulled back, letting her warm skin brush across Jelthra’s soft tattooed back.

Jelthra sighed in slight relief, maybe by a miraculous miracle Luzella had stuffed into her ass by mistake she thought. Her slight moment of relief was quickly snuffed out as Luzella pushed her mammoth member back inward again. This time she sank her cock deeper than before, letting a good three-fourths push in. Jelthra grunted as her ass was filled with the demon’s wide member. Luzella lowered herself again, resting her heavy tits on her own hand that pinned Jelthra’s head to the bed. The Kazdruk leaned into the human’s neck and bit her ear softly. Luzella rocked back and forth softly, letting the human’s tight asshole stroke her cock. Jelthra groaned in discontent. Luzllea loosened her grip on Jelthra’s head, letting her roll her head to the side with a loud gasp of needed air. The Amazon palmed the side of her face, re-pinning her to the bed. The bed creaked more as the two sank into the bedding under the weight of Luzella.

21 Luzella Jelthra

Luzella pumped into Jelthra harder now, letting her cock slide in and out. She thrusted inward faster, forcing Jelthra to take it up to her equine-like cock’s preputial ring. Her thick lumbering balls bounced up and down with each thrust. The Kazdruk’s tail whipped back and forth as she climbed closer to cumming. Jelthra whimpered as her ass was assaulted by the animalistic Luzella. The bed rocked backward, knocking into the table behind it as the sides of the bed began buckling under the stress of Luzella’s hard trusting.  Wood started splintering at its weak points, the frame now cracking and bending. Luzella growled as she hammered into Jelthra’s soft ass. Gripping her head, Lulzella sank her cock in balls-deep and let her meat erupt inside. Jelthra grunted out loud as she was pumped full of hot Kazdruk seed. She could feel the thick batter start to fill every inch of her insides. Luzella didn’t let up, she kept her furious pace as the bed’s frame completely snapped under her repetitive jack-hammering. She kept thrusting, now in slower but much harder, focused pumps. Jelthra grunted out with each powerful thrust, each heavy pummel knocking the wind out of her. She struggled, flattened out and squashed under Luzella’s muscular build. Jelthra could feel the immense loads pouring into her; the demon’s cock continued flexing as it pumped salvos of hot semen deep inside her.

Jelthra couldn’t hold anymore cum. It soon started flowing back out of her as more and more warm seed replaced it. The Kazdruk spunk splashed out, leaking downward across her pussy before forming thick puddles on the bed.  Luzella’s hard pounding started to slow as she released the last of her hot cum into Jelthra. The demon’s heavy body collapsed onto Jelthra’s back, now purring in satisfaction as her cock pumped out its final salvo. Luzella slowly pulled out.

Jelthra laid still and broken, too weak to attempt going after Luzella. She knew it would be safer to remain face down.

Luzella made her way to the door before looking back at Jelthra. “Take care sweetheart.” Luzella spoke winking at her.

“…Oh, and I’ll think about it…Kamri that is.”

Spire of Torment. Chapter 20 : Predatory Nature

By: Lucien

Neicul landed hard on his feet, his heavy black boots sending an upwash of powdery snow. The moon hung partially obscured by thick clouds in the cold winter night sky, casting faint rays across the crystallized elven expanse. Small clouds of breath puffed up around his face as he scanned the surrounding area.

“Easy boy, this shouldn’t take too long,” he spoke as he patted the dragon’s neck, running his rough gloved hands across the dark scales.

The dragon shook his neck and wings wildly. A small avalanche of snow fell off his wings onto the ground around Neicul.

“Thanks,” he spoke under his breath, sneering.

He removed a slab of meat from his satchel and handed it up towards the dragon’s mouth. The beast lunged out viscously, just barely missing Neicul’s hand.   

“Stay here.”

Neicul crouched low, peering across the cold tundra. He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. The scent of burning wood and crisp winter air filled his lungs. It started snowing heavier now, the soft flakes of white danced across the sky wildy. The city of Llyward lay just north of his position with a smaller town right outside Llyward’s borders. Small yellow beacons of light illuminated the small elven village. Neicul tromped through the rough snow towards the quiet village, shrouded under the cover of night. He soon reached the outer rim of the wood village. He climbed up the elvish log wall and jumped down the other side, landing in a soft puff of snow. Small markets lined the perimeter, settled down and closed for the evening. Elven stonework and wood pillars laid scattered around the grounds.

Neicul pulled his hood up over his head and crouched to help get under the cold northern winds. The winter breezes whipped wildly, lifting fresh snow and tossing it across the cobble walkways of the village. A group of elven guards were huddled around a bonfire. The group was too cold to care about intruders or thieves, especially this deep into elven territory. Neicul stayed far out of range and ignored the guards, moving onward and shifting into the frozen shadows.

He peered upward into the windows, each one framed with elegantly carved wood.  Tranquil orange candle glow radiated from each thin glass window. He moved farther into the elven alleyway, hearing music up ahead. Violins and joyous singing echoed into the alley. Neicul shifted his approach and climbed the stone alley wall. He crept silently along the top of the walls. His body became lost in deep shadows being cast by large lanterns pouring into the alley below, only his faint silhouette being exposed momentarily as he jumped across gaps in the wall. He moved quickly and silently, efficiently calculating each step, as he moved with the cold howling wind.

He soon came to the source of the music, peering downward at the back entrance of a log tavern.

Elven folk stumbled into the cobble alley; male and female, young and old. Villagers and their significant others drinking merrily, singing and dancing. Neicul watched intently for a while. He surveyed, thumbing the edge of his twisted dagger. He examined his possible targets, noting their surroundings, weapons, and most importantly, the number of drinks consumed. One elven man stumbled into the snow inebriated and intoxicated. His friends cheered as he stood back up before falling over again.

Neicul grinned to himself.

“Almost too easy. I’ll have Aeltha’s test subjects by morning…” he whispered, watching the disaster unfold.  

A female elf ran out of the tavern in an uproar, yelling at the drunk elf to get up. The elven woman helped the man back to his feet. The two bickered for a while and then began to walk off together. They walked back into the dark alley, passing under Neicul. One of the elves’ buddies soon ran after them to catch up and tag along.This elven man carried a long sword on his hip. Neicul noticed his attire as a northern elven soldier.   

Neicul raised his thick eyebrows in amusement. He stepped back and began following the group of three. He stalked them into the darkest area of the alley from high above before making his move. Neicul jumped down behind the group, startling them with the sudden crunch of snow behind them. All three spun around peering into a black void of shadow; no ambient light existed this far into the alley.  Neicul watched as the three nervously looked for the source of sound. He toyed with the group, dragging his dagger across the side of the stone and wood wall. The soldier and the women quickly backed away from the dreadful sound, heading for the safety of light pooling in towards a break in the wall. The drunk was not so lucky. He stumbled around in the dark, confused and lost.  Neicul waited until the man walked into him. He immediately lifted the inebriated elf and tossed him into the lighted area of the alley, tumbling over crates and old wooden barrels.

The elven soldier ran back into the dark with his sword drawn swinging wildly in Neicul’s direction. Under the cover of shadows, Neicul simply ducked the swings, waited for a moment and came up fast placing his dagger through the side of the man’s chest. It entered under his armpit, piercing his lung. A soft muffled scream squeaked out as the man began to fall over, dropping his sword into the snow. Neicul caught the man by the neck before he collapsed and slammed him backward into the nearby wall. The elven man tried to push the demon off but failed, overpowered by his weight and height. Neicul pinned him hard into the wall before plunging his canines into the side of elf’s neck and tearing his jugular out. Ripping through sinew and flesh, a current of crimson blood spilled out across the elf’s chest and misted across Neicul’s face. The elf’s warm blood pooled in the fresh snow underneath. Neicul grinned as the elf’s motionless body slumped into the cold blood slush snow.

The elven women ran to aid her fallen intoxicated friend, not entirely seeing the shrouded carnage that had unfolded in front of her. She only knew it hadn’t ended well.

“Yemel, get up! Get up!” she cried. The drunk elf slowly got back to his feet, dazed and confused.

Emerging from the dark, Neicul slowly walked towards the two, licking the fresh blood off his wrist bracers and tonguing the engraved groves. The elven woman picked up a piece of nearby scrap wood and raised it ready to swing. Neicul’s white eyes glowed steadily in the dark shadows, his dark silhouette getting closer and closer.

“Stay away from us, hellspawn! “

Neicul leapt from the shadows into the light, pouncing on the elvish woman. She fell hard on her back, losing her piece of wood. He held her wrists down and drove his mouth into the woman’s neck. She sank into the snow under Neicul’s weight.  The elven woman struggled as he sank his canines deep. Neicul’s eyes flickered like white candles as he started to feed on the girl, relishing in her warm blood. The drunk man picked up the wood slab and haphazardly swung at Neicul’s back, braking it across his shoulders. Neicul let go of the woman and rose back to his feet facing the elven man, fresh blood pouring from his chin smiling as it slowly crystallized in the cold.  

“Surely I underestimated you; I was being kind in letting you live. You should have heeded my generosity,” Neicul laughed.


The woman rolled to her side, holding her bleeding puncture wounds.

“Run Yemel!”

The man backed up slowly, dropping the small chunk of broken wood. Neicul easily closed the distance between themselves at a brisk walking pace. Towering over the feeble elf, Neicul lifted him by his neck. The elf squirmed, dangling above the snow covered cobblestones. He coughed as Neicul choked him with one hand. The elven man reached up with both hands, desperately trying to break Neicul’s choke hold. The elvish woman got back to her feet, slowly and dazed. She limped over to Neicul and tried breaking his grip off her elvish friend. Surprised by the elvish woman, he crushed the elf’s neck before tossing the elf hard into the alley wall. Neicul turned to face the annoyance.

The elven woman spun around to run, terrified and slipping in the snow. She got back up quickly and veered from side to side as she ran, dazed and clutching her neck. Neicul grinned as his prey pathetically stumbled away. Neicul looked down at the dead elven drunk and frowned.

“I suppose I should have kept him alive.”     

He looked back up and watched the elven woman stumble into a barrel, doing her best at placing some distance between herself and the Kazdruk soldier.

Neicul smiled his twisted smile at the obvious new target. He began to follow her slowly. She was in shock and losing a large amount of blood. She looked back in fear to see him twenty yards away, slowly following her. Terror and delirium was beginning to set in as she fell hard into the snow and crawled on all fours into a large area of casted dark shadow. She leaned up against a wood barrel and peered back again to see if he was still there stalking her. He was gone. She scanned the snow filled alley shivering in fear, her heart about to burst through her chest. The street was still – only soft white snow fell into a single beam of a street torch.           

The elvish woman tried to catch her breath. Fear and anxiety gripped at her lungs as she frantically looked around, searching for the demon. She started to calm down and catch her raspy breath. Suddenly, her head was pulled back by her long dark red hair and her mouth covered by a large hand. The elf was pulled back deeper into the shadows, kicking and screaming into the hand that smothered her mouth. She slid on the snow and ice.

“It would be in your best interest to stop struggling, and to keep your mouth shut,” Neicul spoke softly. The elven women only struggled more and screamed louder into his hand, terrified.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you.”

The elven women sobbed into his hand, kicking at the ice. Neicul placed his free hand on top her head.

“One more sound and I’ll snap your neck.”

The elf stopped screaming and kicking instantly. She only looked upward in sheer terror, streams of tears now running down her face.

“That’s a good little girl,” he spoke, removing his hand from her mouth and moving his arm down around her neck, initiating a choke hold position.

Neicul brought his face in close to the girl’s neck, sniffing her dark red elven hair that hung in two braids. He looked down at her chest and her torn light blue elven dress, soaked in frozen blood. Neicul ran his hand through her hair.  He could smell her fear and smell the blood, he could feel her heart racing, her body trembling. Neicul remained placid and calm, fighting back his arousal and animalistic Kazdruk tendencies. He growled softly in frustration.        

“Its a shame you’re Aeltha’s property now.”

“P-P-Please, l-l-let me go…what do you want from me? Currency? Gems? Gold?” Neicul smiled and nodded his head side to side slowly.

“We’re going on a little trip, but first I need you to drink some of this.” Neicul reached down and pulled out a black flask. The woman swallowed hard. Her green eyes widened in surprise.    

“Wha- what is it? It’s poison!” the elvish woman shouted, struggling again and kicking in the snow and ice.

“If I wanted you dead, trust me you’d be dead already. Now stop moving and asking me questions. Take a sip before I change my mind and bleed you dry.”

The woman shook uncontrollably and took a sip from Neicul. Half of the liquid spilled down her front. She swallowed the dark fluid and made a face like she had just taken a mouthful of a thousand year old whiskey. The woman coughed lightly.

“W-What…what’s going to happen to me?” she cried in fear.

“Relax, it’s a potion that will keep you warm. So you don’t freeze to death.” The elf’s eyes started to flutter.

“Ehhh-My skin! It’s tingling! What the hell did you do to me! Augh, it’s crawling… it burns!”

The elvish woman struggled in fear again. Her struggles started to fade as she slowly slipped into twilight, the potion causing her to pass out into a deep slumber. Neicul watched as a magic’s deep red aura glowed around her, cocooning her softly. Neicul easily pulled her up over his shoulders. He placed her behind a group of crates hidden in the dark shadows of the alley.

“One down, two more to go. Sleep tight – I’ll be back soon.”

Neicul smiled before disappearing into the snowy shadows to find his next target.


Before requesting entrance into Yuldasha’s main chamber hall, Luzella brushed some dry blood and dirt off her armor, letting it flake off to the floor. She straightened her raven hair and made sure she looked presentable. As strong and powerful as Luzella was, even she feared Yuldasha, just as all Kazdruk did. She wondered why she was being hailed fourth to her master’s room. Luzella was called upon as soon as she returned from the frontlines. She stashed the elvish girl Avelyn into her own chamber and quickly made her way to Yuldasha’s floor. The meeting would be for either praise or punishment. Two guards at Yuldasha’s door greeted her and quickly stepped aside to let her enter, both guards clearly intimidated by her stature.

Luzella confidently entered Yuldasha’s lair, walking briskly across the polished granite floor, each heavy cloven step echoing out in a crisp fashion. She advanced, purple torches flickering as Luzella passed by. Yuldasha stood preoccupied, her back facing the great amazon and watching out over the spire’s view port. Luzella noted two female prisoners resting on either side of Yuldasha’s throne, one human and one Northern elf who emitted great royalty. Luzella smiled her fiendish smile as she got closer to the two, eyeing their elegant bodies.

“Ah, Luzella!” Yuldasha spoke out, snapping Luzella out of her calamitous thoughts of the two prisoners.

Luzella quickly brought herself to attention before Yuldasha could fully turn around. Yuldasha stepped down a short series of steps looking over Luzella, delightfully purring like a feline.

“Welcome back, dearest Luzella,” Yuldasha grinned. Even she had to look slightly upward to make eye contact with the tall Kazdruk amazon.    

“One of my most capable and ruthless soldiers. The scattering of our Northern coast was executed perfectly.You have made me quite proud Luzella.”

“It is an honor to serve you master,” Luzella remarked, bowing her head.   

Ulla peered up at the two demons talking. Yuldasha caught the human looking upward and stopped before she started her next sentence.

“Please excuse me Luzella. I forgot to introduce you to my two… guests. Here at my left is Queen Aria of the Elvish House Wayyel. To my right… is a rather worthless human. A soldier of Goldalin. Hmmm… Luzella, if I remember correctly, you held one of the highest kill counts among the initial invasion of Goldalin.”

Luzella smiled down at Ulla, running her tongue up between her canines and rolling it across the top of her lip.

“You are correct Master. The screams of humans are slightly different than their elvish counterparts. Skin slightly rougher, blood slightly thicker,… their cunts, ever so slightly looser.”

Ulla rose to her feet in furious anger, her height only coming up to Luzella’s breasts. The human lashed out at Luzella, her hard punch landing square in the demon’s muscular abdominals. The punch did nothing; it felt like she had punched a soft wall. Annoyed, Luzella reached down and picked up the human by her neck, throttling the woman’s small throat. Ulla reached up holding the demon’s writs, kicking and wriggling, struggling for freedom.

Yuldasha smiled for a moment, curious on how things would turn out. She paced around Luzella, watching as the Kazdruk soldier enjoyed the struggling of the weaker human.  She could see the pure glee in her face as she toyed with the smaller prisoner. The human’s fighting began to weaken, eyes glazing, her body faltering and her feet now swinging loosely.  

“That’s enough Luzella, release her.”

Luzella didn’t drop her at first, instead she kept her hand around Ulla’s neck, lost in twisted indulgence.

“Luzella! I said that’s enough.”

Luzella dropped the human, letting her unconscious body collapse to the ground.

“As you wish, Master.” Luzella bowed her head again slightly. “My apologies.”

Ulla rolled to her side, massaging her neck and coughing as oxygen slowly returned to her lungs.    

“I have a, let’s say… a more interesting fate for this human here. This human soldier of Goldalin has angered me for the last time. This Impudent and uncivilized rat will beg for forgiveness when she arrives at her new destination… Luzella, are you aware of what season it currently is back at our home realm?”   

Luzella looked on intrigued but not answering, only smiling. Yuldasha took a step towards Ulla. She reached out, casting jade bolts of magic. The streams of sorcery lifted Ulla off the floor, raising her to eye level. The arcane magic left Ulla hovering a few feet above the floor. She looked at Yuldasha in fear.

“Aww young Ulla, it’s the season of procreation. More precisely, the mating season of our native species of worm. You may remember the one below this spire when you attempted your little escape. These are a close cousin; the Viprill species to be exact. From miles away they will come, they put aside their predatory nature and make the great journey every cycle, Ulla. They gather, creating massive entangled orgies. Hundreds of serpents ganging up on the females. Sometimes ten, twenty, even fifty males entangled with one female.”

Yuldasha slowly ran her finger down Ulla’s chest down to her belly.

“All driven by pure instinct, Ulla. Impregnate their mate and continue their species. No second thoughts or clouded judgement. No, only unfiltered primal lust. A cataclysm of semen and leathery scales. Mother nature is truly beautiful, don’t you agree, Ulla? ”

Yuldasha walked away from Ulla. She threw her hands out to her sides and all of the torches blew out violently. She rose both of her hands high above her head. Spliced arcs of green lighting bounced around the chamber, each shard returning to Yuldasha’s fingertips.

“You will be granted the pleasure of seeing our home Ulla. The home of all Kazdruk.”

The center of the floor began to warp as orange cinders rose up vertically from the floor. The granite tiles began to whirl in a circular motion like a molten funnel. Lighting struck out again and again as the gateway to the Kazdruk home realm started to tear through the fabric of the current realm.

Queen Aria looked on in great wonder. A gateway to the demon’s realm, this must be how they arrived. Through a portal… but why? Aria pondered for a moment.      

Yuldasha’s eyes turned a solid vibrant green as the portal ripped its way fully open. A violent wind swirled around the chamber, whipping cinders around the room. Luzella watched on from the side of Yuldahsa’s throne, her black hair loosely spreading across her face, her slick smile becoming wider.

The portal opened fully and locked itself open. Yuldasha pulled Ulla closer to the spinning gate. Through the thin veil of swirling arcane magic, Ulla could make out massive segmented serpents twirling around. Each one screeching out in a low guttural roar, their calls reminiscent of gigantic bending cello strings.

“Please, no…No! ” Ulla cried out, thinking of the horrid demise that laid before her.    

Yuldahsa placed her hand softly over Ulla’s mouth.

“Shhh, listen to them Ulla, they’re calling out…calling to you.”

Yuldasha ran her free hand up between Ulla’s legs, gliding her middle finger deep into her pussy before slowing pulling it back out. A thin strand of honey followed up to Yuldasha’s finger.

“The Viprill of the endless sea, they smell your sweet cunt, Ulla.”

Ulla screamed into Yuldasha’s hand, her muffled cries lost against the Viprill calls.

“Remember Ulla, you brought this upon yourself. Don’t worry, we will all be here watching.”

Yuldahsa waved her hand and Ulla’s body rose over the swirling portal. The human kicked and screamed within the green binding magic. Her feet dangled above the mouth to the wicked new world.  

“No! please, I’ll do anything! ANYTHING!” Ulla screamed out, fighting her magical restraints.   

“Good luck, Ulla.”

Yuldasha blew her a kiss before snapping her finger. The magic restraints extinguished themselves and Ulla was dropped, falling into the portal. Her shriek cut off as the last of her body passed through to the other side.   


The magic particles fell around Ulla’s side like snow and washed up waves of black sand. Ulla squinted around the gloomful and forsaken area she’d been sent to. She looked up into the swirling greyish purple heavens, hoping to somehow leap back into the portal from which she came. Only an angry sky full of endless tempests filled Ulla’s eyes. Clamorous sound was the first sense to overtake Ulla. The immense noise of dragging and crushing filled her eardrums. The ground shook and trembled as both stone and earth were grinded to dust around her. The large bellowing roars of the worms rumbled deep inside Ulla’s chest.

She looked back down and around at the new dark, chaotic world. Elongated silhouettes could be made out all around her cast against a violet melancholic horizon. A coiled bunch of gigantic tangled serpents tumbled around in a crazed frenzy. As Ulla’a eyes adjusted in the low light she could make their shapes out better. The large beasts slithered closer and closer. Ulla felt like a helpless field mouse dumped into the middle of a Northern viper den. The scale of each serpent was enormous. Each beast stretched over fourteen meters long, some even longer. Ulla got up from her crouching position and quickly spun around to run. Her feet sank into the dry bead-like black sand. She struggled with each step in the wide oceanless beach. Only miles of stretching barren land lay before her. She quickly noticed that she was completely surrounded. The beasts in her area were closing in on her. Coiled mass of muscles, plated scale armor and reptilian skin closed in.

By the gods! Ulla whispered to herself. She quickly spun to head the other way only to see another wall giant worms homing in on her. Each titanic worm was a dark purple with vibrant blue markings. Ulla watched on in horror as endless coils wrapped around other coils. She could make out what appeared to be a female. The lighter, whitish frosted color skin could barely be visible beneath the wave of other darker worms entangled around her, each competing for her prized ventral vent.

The ground beneath her shifted as an emesene worm rose up from under the black, loose surface. Fine pebbles rolled off its rough skin as six glowing eyes opened wide against the sinister sky. Ulla fell backwards, landing atop of the worm. It lifted her upward with him as he rose up from the unholy soil.  The creature’s nostrils flared in Ulla’s direction. Picking up her scent, the serpent coiled itself around to face the human. All six jaundiced eyes acquired her body. The Viprill worm rose up high above the ground, shrouding Ulla’s body in his massive shadow. The horrid beast opened its jaws and let out a devastating shrieking roar, followed shortly by a series of loud clicks. Before Ulla could move, the great serpent was already coiling around her and lifting her higher up off the ground.

The worm ungulated his muscular coils to trap Ulla’s body, rising up over her. Ulla screamed as he used his long body to pin her against his own belly. His leathery skin slid across her soft milky back. Ulla reached out looking for a way to free herself, her hands flailing as she tried to leverage off his skin. His massive build and weight sandwiched Ulla in place. A long, wet phallus erected from beneath his belly scales. The pulsating veiny shaft slid across Ulla’s back and between her ass cheeks leaving a trail of slick, warm precum. Ulla squirmed under the worm’s belly feeling his hot weighty member searching for an opening.

Yuldasha smiled looking on from the comfort of her throne. A great ball of energy swirled in front of her; inside the swirling storm of magic was a scrying port allowing a perfect view of Ulla’s predicament. Luzella stood close by amused, watching the unnatural mating between human and Viprill worm. Queen Aria looked away in utter fear.

The worm’s meaty member slid up against Ulla’s pussy lips, its thick head pushing hard into her. Ulla grimaced as his large glans pushed its way deep into her, spreading her lips wide. The beast let out a series of small roars and clicking, some kind of twisted animalistic audible que of pleasure. The serpent pushed himself deeper, holding Ulla in place with his upper half. Ulla screamed again as the warm cock buried itself into its new home. She tried desperately to push the worm’s head away, as if to somehow physically move him. The vile creature only pushed himself closer, pulling more of himself on top of the small human. The wide cock base began spreading and stretching her tight cunt.

20 Worm Ulla

A bundle of worms in the vicinity slithered over, hoping to get a piece of the human as well. The sky fell even darker around Ulla as the group of Viprills closed in over her and her forced mating partner. Ulla whimpered as her insides were pumped full of warm cum. Gallons of thick oozing loads spilled into her, overflowing and spilling down below.

Yuldasha ginned as Ulla’s whimpers turned to screams, then became nothing more then muffled cries as her body disappeared in a tangled ball of massive worms and thick cum. Luzella smiled, flicking her tongue across her lips.

“I wonder how long she’ll survive, Master.”

“As do I, Luzella,” Yuldasha smiled as she pushed the gazing ball of energy off to the side.

“Now where were we… ah yes, your recent accomplishments. Your actions on the field have been remarkable, Luzella. I only wish I had more soldiers like you,” Yuldasha spoke with her sly grin turning to a frown.

“I have been quite aware of Jelthra’s less-than-remarkable performances of late. You no longer need to answer to her if you wish, any order she gives to you are now forfeit. She is only holding back your true potential.  Prepare yourself and your Talons for the arrival of the pathetic elves; it’s time we finally crush them beneath our hooves and remind them that they will never succeed.”   

Luzella bowed slowly before Yuldasha.

“Thank you, Master. I will continue my duty and slay all who defy Kazdruk rule. I’m looking quite forward to the arrival those worthless elves. I don’t enjoy leaving this genocide only half completed.”

Yuldasha’s emerald eyes glimmered in the chamber light, her lips curling upward.

“You are dismissed then, my child of the storm.”